After reading the good reports posted on here regarding magnesium helping with AF I thought I'd give it another go (took magnesium years ago and it made my stomach really sore).
This time I started taking 300mg per day of magnesium citrate by mixing the tablets with warm water each morning and then adding teaspoonfuls to glasses of water throughout the day. This was recommended in a link as a way of it not affecting the stomach in one of Biglegs posts and my stomach has been fine. I started doing this roughly 11 days ago and from day 1 my heart calmed and I wasn't aware of it doing it's usual crazy beats. So all is looking amazingly good, as although it's early days I've had no problems since and up to that time my heart had been doing very strong and irritating beats in the evenings. I'm just managing to hold back from shouting, "I'm cured"! The effects of taking it are nothing short of amazing! However, since starting them I find I can't get to sleep at night!
I would be interested to hear from any members who may have experienced and found a way to overcome this. I must admit it has crossed my mind that it could be the filler added to the pills that's causing the problem and I'm thinking of ordering the powder form. Does anyone use the powder?
How well do you sleep and has a different type of magnesium to what I'm taking helped your sleep pattern.
Has magnesium helped your heart or health and which type do you prefer to take?
Many thanks for reading this.