Im due to have my first on 31st march. Has anyone out there been able to come off all their meds following ablation. ? Im on Flecainide and warfarin at the moment . Have been on different drugs throughout the years to try to control both SVT and AF. I would love to come off them
After Ablation: Im due to have my first... - Atrial Fibrillati...
After Ablation

Hi Bridget. about six months after my third successful ablation I came off all anti-arrhythmic drugs. Still on warfarin of course and wouldn't even consider stopping that even though no AF for the last 61/2 years.
I came off all drugs except anti-coagulants after my ablation 12 years ago. My AF completely disappeared after the ablation .
Got something else now, so back on drugs but they're working well
I'll be on anti-coags for life I imagine, not sure though. But from what I know about it, I'm happy with that as the least worst option.

Thanx. Hope alls well for you
After about six weeks post my first ablation I was only on a small dose of bisoporol. I have just had my second ablation so I'm still on Flecainide, bisoporol and warfarin. Hopefully in about six weeks at my next review this will change.
Hi Bridget, following my first ablation I came off all medication. I'm about 7 wks post my second and I'm on warfarin but hope to knock that on the head after 12 weeks. I'm 561/2 and apparently low risk of stroke so I'll be pushing to stop everything. Just take it easy following the operation very easy for a couple of weeks at least. Good luck
I was taken off all meds- Flecainide,Bisoprolol and Warfarin five days pre Ablation last August...Post Ablation Warfarin only was reinstated ...
Yes, I'm off flecainide since my ablation and very pleased to have given it up. I am still on warfarin and what I take for high blood pressure.
Unlike others. After my first 3 ablations Bisoprolol was reduced with all others staying the same. I was in SR for 2 months,7 mths and 13mths. I was told it would be 2 years before other changes were made. I expect it will be the same with my 4th one last Saturday.
I am 8 months post my first ablation and off all drugs: warfarin flecainide and diltiazem. My specialist at Papworth says AF is all gone now. Will post a full report separately. Good luck with yours
Hi. I had my ablation approximately 10 months ago. Before that I had over a period of time presented myself to A&E with all manner of heart rythym problems. Some times atrial flutter a lot of times with atrialfibrilation and occasionally SVT. I did not deal with the symptoms well an spent the time between attacks in an almost constant state of anxiety and stress which in turn lead to some depression.
I was initially be treated by my cardiologist with Flecanide as a pill in the pocket approach with beta blockers to help with the anxiety. He also arranged for me to see an EP.
My EP put me on the Flecanide on a daily basis which basically stopped all attacks and gave me my life back. That said I was keen not to be on tablets and my EP got me in for my ablation. They ended up treating my flutter and SVT and touch wood all has bee fine since. I'm off all medication (i was never on blood thinners as my score was low and I was said not to be at risk of a stroke). In general I am pretty much fully ok but with one legacy. I was left suffering so long with anxiety before getting my condition under control that I am still prone to this and depression with lots of other triggers (my body seems to have learnt anxiety and depression comes on the back of it). It can be anything from ectopic heart beats that set of the panic (thinking its comming back again) to stressful and emotional situations. So to answer your question yes I have come of all medication with no problems however the condition did leave me some psychological scars that I am now having to face. That said we are all differnt and I have read of many people on here who coped much better and much worse. I wish you well and hope you can share good news with us all.
Hi Gonzo. Thank you for your truthful reply. Over the years I too get very stressed on a daily basis. Im afraid to sleep at night because most of my AF attacks have woken me from sleep to end up in A&E and even coronary care unit.
Hope all is well for you and with time youll cope better with this trauma
I had 2 ablations for flutter and was able to come off of anti-coagulants after each. Currently after a bad bout of afib, I'm back on them and probably will have to stay. Been on beta blockers after my 2nd ablation and just changed to sotalol which I think I'll have to stay on.