Feel finally good after ablation!! - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Feel finally good after ablation!!

Steve2810 profile image
41 Replies

Hi all just a note to say ive had my ablation 10th of november and yesterday i was finally starting to feel like my old self, still feel slightly breathless but in nsr so all ok, had an xray of my lungs there all ok and heart is doing well i hear :-) Hopefully this is all going to be over for me now and i can get back to work and start living a normall life , and for all those who are having an ablation,its taken me about a month to feel normal again and some people longer im told!! So dont worry you will all get there i did. Still taking the rivaroxaban and sotolol though but hoping to come off them in febuary :-) Sorry for all the worrying and thankyou all for listening to me, you all have been great support, you all know who you are,maybe i could help other people now who are going through what ive been through, these last couple of years have been hell and hopefully it wont return and if it does i hope it wont be for a very long time!!! Take care all :-)

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Steve2810 profile image
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41 Replies
Mama48 profile image

So pleased to hear your news. I have been wondering how you are. Hopefully all will continue to improve. I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family and your new found energy!

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to Mama48


wendicarro profile image

Fantastic news! well done ,hope you continue on your path to recovery!


Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to wendicarro


Rellim296 profile image

Good to hear this, Steve. All the best!

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to Rellim296


Well thank goodness for that Steve.....now not too many drinkies over Christmas !

Keep well


Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to

Hehe thankyou Sandra

BobD profile image

I would never say I told you so! lol

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to BobD

Yes i know, thanks Bob, i would never of believed you at the time

constabule profile image

really pleased for you

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to constabule

Thankyou :-) :-)

checkmypulse profile image

Sounds like you are doing great. Marvelous!

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to checkmypulse

I am thankyou

Finvola profile image

Good man Steve - it was very tough but you did it!

Best wishes

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to Finvola

Thanks :-)

PeterWh profile image

Fantastic news. Keep it up.

Quite a times it takes much longer than one month.!!!

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to PeterWh

Thanks Pete

SRMGrandma profile image

That's so great! Don't rush your recovery. Still lots of healing to be done. Savor the fabulous feeling!

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to SRMGrandma

Thankyou will do

Buffafly profile image

Great news Steve, and hope all continues to get better for you!

I was reading a medical description of ablation recently and it gave the strong impression that you could expect to be back to normal in a few days. I have realised through reading your posts and others that that was misleading so you have already helped others by posting honestly about your experience.

Thank for letting us know your good news.

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to Buffafly

No problem and thankyou

AlanAF profile image

Very pleased for you - keep up the good work! I hope to be in that position at some point.

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to AlanAF

You will Alan, if you was anything like me you would never believe it at the time that you would get there, i was cardioverted,that only lasted 9 days then was in afib for ages till i had an ablation then that only lasted 4 days then i thought i had no chance, then a couple of weeks after my burns had heeled and legeons had formed they gave me another cardioversion over the top of that, and thats whats finally kept me in nsr.

blackcat123 profile image

Very pleased to hear this! Have a lovely Christmas without the worry of AF! Mine too seems to have settled since week 3. Here's hoping!


Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to blackcat123

Thanks Judie, that makes two of us then :-)

Sulily49 profile image

Brilliant news, hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very positive 2016😃

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to Sulily49

U too, thanku

Barry24 profile image

Well Done Steve.

Best Wishes


Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to Barry24

Thanks Barry

DavDug profile image

Isn't it great Steve. Back into the old sinus rhythm and feeling like your old self. It's like night and day. Take care though as there is stacks of time to improve yet for the healing process. Dave.

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to DavDug

cheers dave

NiceNana profile image

Thanks for giving us an update Steve. I had my ablation a week ago, and feel guilty staying in bed until gone nine o'clock in the morning, but I am still ready for bed about ten at night! During the day I am getting back to normal, but I am mindful of the advice that I have read on here and not trying to do too much too soon.

Take care.


Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to NiceNana

Try to get as much rest as you can Lynn, its a slow process, im still recovering but not half as bad as i was, just a relief that hopefully its all over now. I think it wears you down mentally too if you let it.

joebob profile image

Can I ask how well you felt about 2 weeks after your ablation Steve?

I'm hopefully going for an ablation very early in Jan but I may be starting a new job a few weeks later. I'm hoping that a couple of weeks of doing very little will get me feeling well enough to take on this new role!!!

Steve2810 profile image

I think two weeks is a bit too soon mate, you should be ok if its not a very physical job, everyones different but i wouldnt of been able to do it, my heart was racing then stoping n starting as the af was trying to have a go through the ablation, its only when the legions heal and start to swell it holds it in a more stable nsr, my af felt more stronger than before after ablation,i was in nsr for 4 days after ablation then back in af and symptoms were even worse!then had to call ambulance out as couldnt breath n heart was going mental then they cardioverted me a couple of weeks after and ive been fine since,its cos i was cardioverted after the ablation and the legions on my heart had swollen so it held me in nsr better,i was getting cramps in my groin to and had to keep walking but that made me out of breath lol,but that was me, u might be totally different. I had a right mare mate! Lol, but im ok now it was well worth it!! All our hearts are different mate, u might be fine,

joebob profile image
joebob in reply to Steve2810

I'm an IT Trainer so nothing too taxing physically. There may be a fair bit of travel to start with though but I can't imagine sitting in a car woul dbe too much to handle.

Steve2810 profile image
Steve2810 in reply to joebob

Oh IT, thats my game, im Comptia A+ qualified, but thats only basics really but i enjoy it when im having a dable at home, no you should be ok mate, just ask doctor for some good pain killers and take it gently when your moving around, let us know how you get on please, ill be interested to know

Dangerousdriver profile image

Hi Steve,

I’m a month post ablation and feel like I’ve got zero energy but I’m in NSR, so it’s a bittersweet situation.

I’m back to work this week, but fingers crossed I’ll manage ok as I can barely make it through the day without a nap.

But I’m glad you made it through the other side ok.

Steve2810 profile image

Hi yes i was in nsr till end of last month, but sadly back in AF again, that ablation lasted me 3 years. I have got a cardioversion booked july 3rd. Take it easy as my heart was still all over place a month after and lots of ectopic beats, jumping around still. Make sure you have a chair nearby if you feeling ruff. It does make you tired a lot when u got a dodgy ticker, ive been really sleepy since being in AF this time lol, actually just woken up. The AF symptoms this time round seem to feel a lot better than before, must be something to do with the ablation? Just always want to kip lol

Golfer60UK profile image

Good to hear, gives me hope too, as I am due for my second ablation tomorrow morning. Mine also was triggered by dislocating my hip whilst walking the dog on the beach. Was after 45 minutes taken off the beach by the coastguards and Paramedics then to hospital

Fine now but trying to return to normal asap

Regards and best wishes

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