I am so so grateful to this site for all the advice, support and information I've been able to read since joining last year, after my first ablation when I didn't have any other access to help but knew things weren't right. It has kept me sane and occasionally made me laugh out loud as someone echoes my thoughts.
This is my first post, I've just been an onlooker til now, but want to get the message out that thanks to the help of the AFA and Arrhythmia Alliance, Cheltenham will hold the first meeting of a Support Group in Gloucestershire for anyone with any kind of AF or arrhythmia. Full details are now on the AFA website, but you might not have looked lately to see this. I know when I first started looking for any information about support groups the nearest I found were Southampton or Wolverhampton, so in the end I thought, why not try and start one locally? It's taken a while but here we are, about to have our first meeting, how cool is that?
Again, thank you to everyone who has posted on this site, especially to BobD and Beancounter for all the really useful information they've supplied which I would never have know about otherwise, and for the knowledge and experience of everyone who has had to deal with the sometimes negative aspects of the medical profession and has given their invaluable support to those of us who have had less than ideal treatment.
All the very best.