Great site, thank you.
I have been proposed a catheter ablation for my A-fib (occasional SVT). I know white wine is a trigger, though red isn't... I also am about to eliminate gluten to see if that is a trigger. The A-fib is getting worse and more often and I note particularly after eating - about 15 minutes after eating. I've tried many alternative therapies to no avail.
Beta-blockers slow the tachycardia but not the Afib, flecainide used to work but doesn't anymore - and I don't like the feeling of either of them! I am loathe to take the medication (rarely do) and as frightening as the catheter ablation sounds, I might prefer a mechanical fix than living on chemicals which have other side effects. I've also heard the later one waits to perform the catheter ablation the more points one might have to burn.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks.
I am 58 years old with 3 years of recorded Afib activity.