I've been taking Flowmax for several months, along with my Orgovyx, because of some hesitancy and feeling like not emptying my bladder fully. Not sure if it's doing anything about that. I go through periods of normalcy, followed by times where I have to pee often.
I'm thinking about stopping it, at least as an experiment, as I'm experiencing what may be side-effects, but things that also might be attributed to the Orgovyx. Mainly, I've noticed a sharp increase of hot flashes (with sweats) over the last few months. I know the ADT does this, but the increase has been noticeable and annoying. As a general rule, I like the idea of reducing the meds I'm taking, and maybe this will help. My urologist said I could try stopping the flowmax anytime I wanted to.
Has anyone else experienced this increase of hot flashes when taking both these meds? Or is this something "normal" after 13 months of Orgovyx?
Thanks in advance for your experiences.