I've updated my profile which pretty well reports my history of dealing with PC. This summer, July 2024, a second PSMA PET scan confirmed that the cancer noted on my first PSMA PET scan, November 2021, was alive, well, and growing. Note that this fact runs counter to the idea that my PSA values report a lessening of activity. I think PSA is at best, a marker for some PC, but not all. I received 20 days of IBRT and SBRT radiation, this summer, that went after these hot spots. I was especially concerned about PC in the clivus bone found in my head. In 6 months I get another PSMA PET scan that shows how well the radiation worked.
The problem, with me, is that the normal PSA tests doesn't accurately report what is going on. I have had several DNA blood marker tests to determine if circulating DNA is at all related to the other prostate cancer. So far, nothing is definitive. I will report here if it does.
Before I left Mayo I asked a radiation oncologist about my prognosis. I'm going to paraphrase. If something bad happens in 1 to 2 years I would be surprised, if 5 to 7 years, not so much. Time is obviously limited.
I am relatively pissed off, pun intended, that urination urgency and variation in holding power affects my sleep and my life. I guess, depending on estimated life span, I'm wondering about attacking my BPH problem. Flomax is not getting it done. I have a lot of choices:
TURP, TUIP, TUMT, PAE, laser surgery, electro-vaporization, ultrasound, steam ablation, water jet, HoLep, PVP etc, etc. I have not researched any of these in any great degree. Any comments appreciated.