I am age 66. had whack-a-mole radiation about 2,5 yrs ago (yo my left acetabulum/hip) when PSA began to rise after 10 -11 yrs on ADT (Lupron for 12 and Abiraterone for most of that time).
This time, Pet/CT indicates 1 of my 2 vertebral tumors is the culprit for my PSA rise over the last 2 yrs. PSA measured .35 2 weeks ago and was .20 just 11 weeks earlier so the doubling time most recently was increasing to approx. 3 months. The culprit for the rise in PSA this time appears from the reports to be 1 of my 2 vertebral tumors.
In addition to adding a new treatment such as chemo or some other, would whack-a-mole make sense once again (this time for the vertebral tumor)? From what I have read, radiation of vertebrae is typically warranted when the vertebra(e) cause pain. But, I am not experiencing any pain, unless the intermittent neck pain I have in the mornings is a result of the vertebral tumor.
I appreciate your responses.