lung cancer not pc : not sure how to... - Advanced Prostate...

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lung cancer not pc

Cp014 profile image
22 Replies

not sure how to take this:

1.) the cancer spreading in my lungs is an adenocarcinoma but is not from the prostrate but a separate cancer.

2.) the cancer in the prostrate gleason9, and idc has not yet spread beyond the prostrate, per all the scans, etc.

I am unsure how to take this.

been told it’s better to not be stage4 prostrate. Other hand its better to fight just one type?

any one with positive, helpful thoughts on this?

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Cp014 profile image
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22 Replies
Don717 profile image

Your information is confusing. Better check your bio as it indicates your lung cancer is from PC origin? Maybe time to take a breath and correct your info. The only way cancer can be seen "spreading" is if you've obviously had more than one scan?? Double check your bio and these guys will help. Excellent group. Good luck to ya!

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Don717

Yesterday I was told it was prostrate. Today I am told the lungs are not prostrate.

Thankyou I will update my bio which I did after yesterdays findings.

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Cp014


most recent clean ct scan for lungs and bladder were clean in 12/23.

5/24 scan showed 3 lymph nodes in lungs as potential malignancy.

7/24 prostrate biopsy reveals a Gleason 9 and an idc sample.

7/24 pet scan showed two more lymph nodes apeared. Existing one went from 1.9 cm to 3.4 cm.

8/24 pmsa pet does not light up lung masses as it does the prostrate

9/24 lung biopsy confirms lung mass not same as prostrate cancer


Don717 profile image

So no PC treatment yet? Fortunately, it sounds early on both fronts, but it appears you have 2 forms of cancer. I would not worry about the IDC component as it changes nothing at this point. I'd start talking about treatments with a good cancer center in your area. Hit it hard and early. Obviously there is treatment to keep the PC in-check while you tackle the lung cancer. Talk to a GOOD Medical Oncologist. I'd have that specializes in PC and one that specializes in LC. I have/had IDC as well Gleason 8, clean for over 33 months now. Good luck to ya!

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Don717

Thank you!

My pc onco at md Anderson started me on Casodex and dutasteride 9/1 on first visit.

Noted temp to hold back the pc now, while we address the lc.

Tall_Allen profile image

They can do Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining to find out the source of your lung cancer. If it is primary lung cancer, it may be curable with surgery or radiation.

Your prostate can cer may also be curable with radiation and hormone therapy.

It sucks that you have two different kinds of cancer, but the good news is that they both may be curable.

BTW- have you had a germline genomic test done? You may have a genomic mutation that predisposes you to cancer. Some such mutations can be treated.

Gabby643 profile image
Gabby643 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks T A!

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thank you! Your feedback, thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Per mo stains of the two cancers are different. Unsure if that result from ihc?

Sounds like the source of the lung lymph nodes cancer is unknown per mo.

Seems he noted in lung lymph nodes only. Not in the lungs. I am Still Unsure.

Meeting w lung dr for official lung biopsy results today 9/6. Hope to nail down, get full known details.

My primary ?:

1.) exactly where are the tumors in the lung?

2.) where did the lung cancer come from?

3.) Is it lung or something else that has spread.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Cp014

The only way to tell where it came from originally is with IHC staining.

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thank you mr. Ta.

Dr just posted lung biopsy result. Not yet explained to me. I have an appointment with him in one hour.

Here is a snippet…

Malignant cells are positive for Pankeratin, ttf-1, and napsin a.

The malignant cells are neg for cdx2, nkx3.1, p40, and calretinin.

The immunophenotype suggest a pulmonary primary. However other primary sites are not excluded.

Please correlate with clinical impression and radiology findings.

Pd-l1 immunostatin is pending. Lung biomarkers are pending.

Will my Lung dr be able to explain all this? Know the source?

thank you!

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Cp014

Those are IHC results, that your pulmonologist will explain. It confirms it is probably primary lung cancer and excludes prostate cancer and some other cancers that are sometimes known to metastasize to the lungs. I think ttf-1 has a good prognosis.

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thank you.

Cp014 profile image

The lymph nodes on my lungs, I believe, appeared on ct scans to be swollen or cancerous. Per lung biopsy they are not swollen and are malignant tumors. Notes mention the right helium and Hilar. All are on the right except on in middle just below the two lung branches.

Meeting w lung dr tomorrow hope to know exactly where cancer is in lungs or lung lymph nodes and grade. And treatment options.

Next week Meeting w Uros and mos regarding the pc as well.

MichaelDD profile image

I currently have APC metastasized to the lungs only. It was found when I was one of the trial subjects for PSMA GA-scan at UCSF.

This is my second cancer I was stage 2 breast cancer when I was 50. Had a radical mastectomy, radiation and chemo. Followed by 5 years of tamoxifen. The worry was that the lung cancer nodules were possibly a cause/residual of that. PSMA scan proved that it was prostate cancer.

Don717 profile image
Don717 in reply to MichaelDD

Wow....quite a journey there Michael. Fantastic.

LDC2024 profile image

ugh, so sorry you’re having to go through not one, but two cancers :( I’m hoping for the best possible outcomes for you, given the circumstances.

My Dad, who has stage 4 prostate cancer, was diagnosed last week with a cancerous mass in the pancreas SEPARATE from his recent prostate cancer diagnosis from February ‘24. All scans this year leading up to two weeks ago (and there have been MANY!) showed no suspicions in the pancreas - this is new in the last scan from August. We’re totally shocked he is now battling two different cancers….he’ll carry on w/ hormone therapy for Prostate cancer (he did radiation to prostate in June), and right now their focus is on pancreatic cancer given the aggressiveness and any additional treatment plan for prostate cancer will take a back seat.

It sounds like your lung cancer was caught early, which is very hopeful. Wishing you a strong recovery ahead.

dentaltwin profile image

In my father's case, he had advanced PC. Then he had a nodule on his lung. Finally they found cancerous nodes in his mediastinum (presumed to be metastatic from the lung) and he was being prepped for chemo for his lung cancer. But as per Tall_Allen, immunologic tests of the cancerous mediastinal nodes demonstrated them to be prostate cancer. So was the lung cancer really primary lung cancer, or metastatic prostate cancer? Turned out it WAS a primary lung cancer. The process of finding this out was frustratingly slow, but it meant his lung cancer was surgically treatable. And his prostate cancer was managed pretty well for the rest of his life.

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to dentaltwin

Thankyou for your response.

Sounds eerily familiar.

dentaltwin profile image
dentaltwin in reply to Cp014

I was absolutely grateful to the pathologist. Assuming the mediastinal nodes were lung cancer, he was about to start chemo--when the pathologist told me he'd soaked the cover slips off the path slides and did what I guess was an IHC test. Having determined it was prostate, now the question was whether the nodule in the lung was prostate. Ultimately it turned out to be lung cancer (stage 1B or 2, can't quite remember). The whole process however took several months at MSKCC, which was pretty trying, and my dad was already in his 80s.

And when he finally died at 91, it wasn't lung OR prostate cancer--it was a cardiac event.

Cancer2x profile image

Sorry you also possibly have two primary cancers. I have metastatic PCa and also recurrent Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Had multiple surgeries from three different doctors/surgical teams in the same table. Also had a team repair a bulging abdominal hernia on the same table! Probably a mistake on my part.

I talked them into it, as I hate being ‘under’! They later said they would not do that again, as I was a train wreck afterwards.

I survived.

I lost about 40% of a Deltoid shoulder muscle (Sarcoma) and my Prostate, seminal vesicles, et al, at the same time. Open RRP. Sarcoma recurred in my thigh, another surgery, another chunk gone. Took care of that so far.

PCa recurred in 2005, slowly climbing to necessitate radiation to two abdominal lymph nodes per PSMA Pet scan.

I was genetically tested at Dana Farber in Boston, and diagnosed with “Li-Fraumeni Syndrome” - susceptible to multiple cancers, which seem to be the case.

Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam (confirmed by fat testing years ago) may have helped precipitate the cancers, as well as the susceptibility to cancer.

It’s a lot, for sure , but I also have Diabetes, which is the major PITA on a day-to-day basis, with serious bi-lateral Polyneuropathy, both feet, both hands so far.

Generally, I do okay. Sometimes, tho’, it feels like I am juggling flaming cats!

Good luck to you!

Cp014 profile image
Cp014 in reply to Cancer2x

Thank you for sharing. Sorry you going thru all this.

You are an inspiration.

Thank you!

j-o-h-n profile image

My neck melanoma metastasized to my lung and treated with Keytruda (Immunotherapy). It worked (ask Doc)....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


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