A question for anyone who has taken O... - Advanced Prostate...

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A question for anyone who has taken Orgovyx?

Spinel_Cutter profile image
11 Replies

In the most strange and odd turn of events...

Question: If I start Orgovxy for the first time while in Mumbai, India, how likely am I to run into real trouble with adverse effects if I plan on starting around 9/9 and returning to America 9/20.

Let me back up. You see that my icon is a gemstone. Well, I left the jewelry business in 1980. But, in 1978 I enrolled in the GG program (Graduate Gemologist) at GIA, the word's premier place for education of gemology. I've been an RN (and still work as RN for US DOL) but I'm 74 and wanted to return to my gemology & jewelry roots.

In 1978 the course cost me about $1700, today it costs about $34,000. Last year I wrote GIA and said: "ya know, when I enrolled the terms were.... do it whenever, so, may I come back and finish?"

Surprisingly the answer was "yes," but with a caveat. I must complete the course of study by the end of this year.

Then, *poof* Gleason 8, PSA 54.4, extracapsular extension, yup, I got PC. Luckily my PSMA-pet was clean, so 80%+ chance of NO distant mets.

On Wednesday I meet with Alicia Morgans a med oncologist and likely will know that (I'm guessing) that I'll soon start with Orgovyx (Lupron.......ew..!)

I had planned on taking my last 3-week, in-person classes in Bangkok in November. Now I am so fearful of adverse effects that OMG....

And then I just found that I can take the courses (two of them, the important 2) in Mumbai, India starting on 9/9 and returning home on 9/18.

Is this a nudge from God? Orgovyx costs me $850/month w/ my Medicare Advantage (real advantage, eh?). Well, if I go to any doc, with a script from my doc for Orgovyx, the same med in India, is, get this...drumroll, $95/month.

Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone, buy my meds, save thousands, and take my two-weeks of classes (the third one is not being offered which is OK).

And then there is this FEAR. Day 1, I pop 3 pills... what will happen on day 2 through day 20th?

A bit of fatigue? Or roaring diarrhea?

Thus my question: For anyone that has taken Orgovyx (either alone or w/ abir-whatever...) what were your 1st 3 weeks like relating to adverse effects.

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Spinel_Cutter profile image
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11 Replies
Jpburns profile image

I’ve been on it since December. It wasn’t awful. Brain fog, hot flashes, muscle loss…. But tolerable.

Adding Abiraterone/Prednisone in May, after treatment , however, has messed me up, I think. I feel weak, brain fog worse, experiencing breathlessness, and getting cardiac weirdness checked next week.

Tinkudi profile image

I am in Mumbai 😊

Dad is on orgovyx. He did not really have any bad side effects from it when he started. I don’t see most people having them.

If I can be of any help while you are here do let let know.

Btw the relugolix costs me 65 dollars for a months supply. An Indian company makes it .

85745 profile image

For me none, zero SE's. , even now 7months in very mild briefhot flash now and then. Exercise staying active wards off possible fatique. Daily energy levels are good.

VanHalen84 profile image

Yes, very few side effects. Wouldn't worry about it at all.

Tranquil21 profile image

My husband has been on it since June with no side effects. A month later he added Nubeqa. The hot flashes started really really slow. Now. A few months later he gets them throughout the day. But still very tolerable. He doesn't have fatigue. That could be because he makes himself exercise everyday. Soccer, frisbee, disc golf, whatever it may be.

Exrunner profile image

I have been on and off Orgovyx since April 2021.

SE= Complete lack of Libido

Mild Hot flushes

Loss of muscle mass and strength

Joint pain

Fatigue ,especially when working in a hot environment.

Some brain fog

Nothing that should keep one from studying...of course each person is different.

I do exercise three to four times a week.

Spinel_Cutter profile image

Thank you all, I shall schedule my class in Bangalore, India, in December and hope for the best.

j-o-h-n profile image

Go easy on the Indian food.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


Spinel_Cutter profile image

In India they have some inexpensive sort of app to bring meals to the hotel, so therein lays a certain amount of safety.... I do so love Indian food. At least I'll have two months so I'll have an idea how the meds affect me. I'll also buy trip insurance.

MateoBeach profile image

you can take a Orgovyxone tablet a day with little risk of side effects other tha the testorosterome withdrawal which is to be expected unpleasant but inevitable. As for Abi you will have e to assess and. Balder another ARSI IF not acceptable.

JWS13 profile image

9 days on orgovyxx will be nothing..especially in the beginning..annoying not devastating...gets worse as you progress...very tolerable .. you may not recover your t ..discuss that with mo

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