It's been 2 years since I completed salvage IMRT to surgical bed and pelvic lymph nodes. My MO recommended I have cystoscopy after reporting 3 very small clots during 1 week in urine (about size of crumbled picecs of corn flake). I decided to have one as curious to see what looked like post salvage and a few supporters on our board encouraged me to do so, which I appreciate. The results were pretty good as I had hoped: no lesions or tumor with a mild stricture distal to the sphincter dialted with scope; and significant radiatin changes at bladder neck (recurrence had been posterior to bladder adjacent to bladder neck). Having said all this, this cystoscopy was pretty painful and I had some bleeding, a couple clots in urine, and pain for a couple days. This was my fourth cystoscopy and the prior 3 pre salvage radiation had no or little pain and no blood. My question for those with similar experience or knowledge, is this what I can expect for future cystoscopies due to radiation? An additional question that urologists have not commented on, after salvage radiaton is a vacuum pump for blood flow etc not recommended after salvage radiaton. Thanks for any help or opinions regarding my concerns. Jim
Cystoscopy post salvage radiation - Advanced Prostate...
Cystoscopy post salvage radiation

The reason it is a bad idea to have a cystoscopy after radiation is exactly what you experienced -- if you had minor bleeding before, you will have more now. Instrumentation tears the sensitive tissues and scrapes it, causing more scar tissue and bleeding.
Thank you for your quick response, that explains my worse fears but answers a lot, hopefully for others too. I really haven't had bleeding or blood in urine except for the tiny clots I had for one week about 6-8 months ago, and the cystoscopy of course. I seem back to where I was, feeling pretty good. I'll just do my best going forward and hope for the best. Thanks Tall_Allen
Lets hope that's the last one you'll ever need or let your wife sit in for you.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Tall_Allen, I do have a related question I hope you can respond to, I will be meeting with my gastroenterologist re a possible colonoscopy. When I had salvage radiation they used a rectal spacer to help protect rectum. My mother died of colon cancer and I've had polyps removed in past. I usually get colonoscopy every three years. Does a colonoscopy present same risks as cystoscopy or is it a more safe procedure? Thank you for any help you can provide.
Keep feeling good and keep out of the urologist's (and M.O.) office....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.