About a month after I finished 38 rounds of salvage radiation l started to have some blood and blood clots in my urine. The amount is low, but is is enough to stain my pads (still have stress inconstance) and make the bowl red. In addition there is often a slight pain when I urinate - like I am trying to pass a blood clot. The radio oncologist stated that this often happens and is from scabs coming off from the radiation. He stated that it should clear up after a while and to drink plenty of water.
Has this happened to others? If so, did it clear up on its own?
58 when diagnosed
4/18/2016 DaVinci surgery
Gleason 8 (4+4) T3aN1Mx ductal Stage 4 D1 prostate 74 g, 1/14 lymth nodes "100%" cancer.
PSA= 3.3 2014, 4.7 2015, after surgery 0.1 5/2016, < 0.1 9/30/2016
6/2/2016. Needle biopsy of swollen pelvic lymph node negative
Hormonal 6/2/2016 Lupron two year treatment
External radiation: 38 treatments ended 10/7/2016
Leakage 6/28/2016 > 250 g/day, 7/6/2016 < 10