I have been taking krill oil for quite a while now for my locally advanced prostate cancer, but now I have been reading that it's not good for p/c,any thoughts anyone.
krill oil : I have been taking krill... - Advanced Prostate...
krill oil

it’s good for joint arthritis pain
I imagine the fear is that Omega-3 got implicated in one study as being associated with increase of prostate cancer. the Brasky study. This got a lot of headlines. However I would point out previous studies found no link. And then there is this observation:
"The intake of fish in Japan is one of the highest in the world, being around eight times more than that of American men, and yet the age-adjusted mortality from prostate cancer in Japan was approximately seven times lower than that in the U.S. in the 1950s" (PC has risen with Japanese westernisation and development as it does in most places).
Additionally, in Japan, Omega-3 levels in blood were much higher than the ones in the study that implicated it. Twice as high.
The Inuit as well are massive consumers of omega-3 and yet have the lowest prostate cancer incidence. [ ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › by TK Young · 2016 · Cited by 84 — The low risk of prostate cancer among Inuit contrasted with high risk among the Athabaskan/Dene has been previously observed in Alaska ] .
Given the benefits of Omega-3 on CV health which are much studied and pretty well known I think it would be a mistake to flee from it because of one probably flawed observational study.
The multiple correlations dont answer the question of whether components of KO directly cause alteration to PC growth.
I often read on canceractive things that dr Chris woolams who is a bio-chemist says about prostate cancer, and he says people with prostate cancer stay away from krill oil because it contains choline that's not good for prostate cancer.
Did Dr Chris Woolams give any evidence of why he believes that is the case?
Did he supply some literature that was NOT a questionnaire based study?
Or are you just taking his word for it?
Thing is, some say that eggs have a decent amount of choline so they should be avoided. But so do fish, shiitake mushrooms, soybeans, wheat germ, cruciferous vegetables, almonds, lima beans, red potatoes, kidney beans, quinoa, cottage cheese...
Maybe we should just stop eating all together and see how that works out. I have my suspicions it won't end well. 😐
there is research from Havard medical school that choline-rich foods, can in some cases spread prostate cancer, red meat, salami,ham,eggs, &chicken fat,all increased choline levels, men with choline-avid p/c are not advised to take krill oil.
All the foods you've listed are non plant based foods. I was pointing out that it's also in plant based. You're going to find it difficult to avoid choline.
Do you have a link to this Harvard medical school literature you're referring to?
Is it a questionnaire type study?
no link ,
No worries.
the reason I am a bit worried is that I have been taking krill oil for a long time with no problems, then I read on canceractive that it was dodgy, I think I will go back on it but it's dear.£36.
Personally, I think oils can be troublesome. They can oxidize and depending on how they are extracted can have other issues. For supplements in general, I'd ask yourself why you're taking them, and if you can get the same benefit from some food source instead of using krill oil. 🙂
BTW, I forgot to say..I assume you're taking the krill oil for DHA? The manufacturer may be great and create quality oil. But it can be transported and/or stored outside the company's control. The oil could be rancid and you wouldn't know. It's a bit of a lottery.
You could consider just eating seafood instead. Cooking reduces the DHA, so raw/uncooked is better.
Another great reason to eat Japanese food. One of the best cuisines in the world, IMO. ☺️
I take krill oil for my joints because of osteoporosis, I have locally advanced prostate cancer but my testosterone has never recovered
I could be wrong, and you should check, but I was under the impression that DHA was a key component for inflammation reduction. I don't know that much about krill oil, but I assumed that's why you were taking it. Maybe there's other benefits that are specific to it.
If that's correct, you could consider eating raw seafood like smoked salmon, sashimi or oysters instead. Be more enjoyable than krill oil. 🙂
Maybe a good decent cod liver oil could give the same benefit but be cheaper? Although this too could get oxidized.
I assume that you've had your calcium and D3 levels checked.
FWIW, sun exposure D3 is better than supplements if you can get it. The D3 gets sulfated with your cholesterol in the skin which gives benefits the supplement doesn't.
Anyway, all of that's a conversation for you and your med team. You'd need to discuss that with them.
Hope it works out.
I'm still looking for some Kill oil for my ex-wife.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.