Respite from the fight: My beloved is... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Respite from the fight

Cateydid profile image
29 Replies

My beloved is snoring beside me: a sound I wasn’t sure I’d get to hear again.

He’s spent the last two years “living” in the recliner in the living room. Pneumonia 3 times: a collapsed lung, likely from one of a series of falls last spring. On oxygen PRN since June 2023.

Surgery to stretch the right lung was completed in November 2023. Steady improvement since then.

Finished 6th dose of Pluvicto in November. PSA <.05! Bone mets and lung tumors shrunk. Radiologist reading report says successful treatment. Uptake in liver and spleen.

We’re in our second week of vacation in Florida, where my Joe is sunning and swimming, biking, and hitting tennis balls!!!!

Three times over the last two years I was certain the end was near. Joe’s rebound is nothing short of miraculous!

AND I know the beast is only being held at bay. I don’t know what to expect next……but I suspect it won’t be pretty…..

…so we’ll glory in each gifted day.

I wish each reply to this post could be some version of “that’s how good my loved one is doing, too!”, but I know it’s not going to happen….and I’m sorry for that!

Wishing one and all the best of everything, whatever that might be for you!

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Cateydid profile image
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29 Replies
Rob1053 profile image

So happy for both of you!! Enjoy the break and accept the reward for your tenacious battle!!

Cateydid profile image
Cateydid in reply to Rob1053

Thank you, Rob. It HAS -most assuredly-been a battle!

Ian99 profile image

You can be proud of what Joe has gone through. Well done to you and good luck.

TylexGP profile image

So glad you and your husband have had a chance to take a breath and enjoy some time together.

SuppWife profile image

I love to read this. So happy to hear a joyful update. Enjoy the beach and every moment. I know you are. ⛱️😊❤️

KocoPr profile image

Thank you for posting a positive story we can use more. I am glad you’re cherishing the moment !

Yadifan profile image

Carpe diem! So happy to read your post this morning! I know you're enjoying every second and making wonderful memories together. One thing this nasty disease does is teach us to really cherish these breaks. I hope you both are able to enjoy a long long respite.

My husband tolerated his Pluvicto treatments with little side effects. During those 6 treatments we had a little break. It didn't have lasting results for us but during that period I was so grateful for his decreased pain, the hope, the time together. We don't take that for granted. We rejoice with you in the success of his treatments. I know it's helped many. I have huge hope in Pluvicto. And truly believe in miracles.

Professorgary profile image

so happy for the improvement and hope your vacation is one of many more to come. Yesterday I walked 1.4 miles pain free and two years ago I needed crutches to get to the bathroom and it was quite painful. My Psa was 5664.2. Thursday it was 1.03 and still dropping. Please don’t assume things will get worse because they may never get worse so why allow that negative thought to live rent free in your mind. Fact: my previous urologist had a patient who was a farmer and had his prostate removed due to cancer. It came back and doc says he needs radiation and farmer refuses because he doesn’t have time. Several years later farmer comes back in horrible pain which revealed Psa of 7000 and extensive mets. Farmer gets a 3 mob shot of Lupron and Psa drops to 4. Gets second shot and Psa drops to 1 and farmer is pain free and never returns for follow-up. Several years later farmer comes back with hip pain figuring it was the cancer but it wasn’t . He needed a new hip which he got and he was still farming when this story was told to me 3 years ago. Prayers for you and hubby. God bless.

Scout4answers profile image

I do believe we will be hearing more tales of good news as the realty of new therapies and the efficacy of some current ones start to filter through our PCa population. Enjoy that Vacation , only hope that at some point Coco will appreciate my snoring.😎

zeitgeistxx profile image

I'm very happy for you! Soak in the sunshine, breathe the salty air and let the stress flow away. You both deserve it. 😀

Kaliber profile image

I just love your attitudes and admire the “ bounce back “ ability of hubby , he is one determined tough hombre. You have to be one heck of a tough caregiver as well. Having that beautiful family QOL time while you guys can, imho , is the very best expression of love and family caring for both of you … especially in these awful circumstances. Thanks for sharing this excellent example of life for people like us, you guys are impressive . Much love out to both of you.


Lettuce231 profile image

What fantastic news, I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Seize each day and grab it with both hands ❤️

JolleySprings profile image

Oh my! Reading this brings such joy to my heart! ❤️

Thank you for sharing! The power of Hope, Prayer and Modern medicine are all things I strive to cling to! 🙏🏻

Leaffan57 profile image

positive vibes of the universe being sent your way …

Flaxseed profile image

That was such a good and positive read....Thank You!!!

Enjoy the good times - and make plenty of memories - you both deserve it...!

I too am actually in a more positive place. My prostate cancer was already in my spine and neck when I was first diagnosed (2018) and have been on a rollercoaster ride ever since with Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and more recently more (ineffective radiotherapy) - along with regular hormone injections and Abiraterone + Prednisolone tablets (as well as the AdCal D3 and Alendrolic acid pills) - oh and the Methotrexate + Folic Acid (for Rheumatoid Arthritis).

My PSA had been on the rise from previous lows of 0.54/0.6 right up to 2.8 before the Abiraterone kicked in.

I added fasting to my medical regime over the last 12 months and my PSA has been coming down ever since - from 1.3 (where it seemed to have flat lined for 3 months) down to 0.48 (my newest all time low). I've got my weight down over the year too - which has to be a positive. (I'm currently 13 stone 4lbs - so I've still got a few pounds to lose to get into the 12 stone area that is my aim).

Like for you guys, I know that this is a 'for life' battle and that at some point things will go the other way - but like for you guys, my family are just trying to make the most of the times we are having now.

Stay positive - and enjoy these good times.

The longer we fight this the more chance of benefitting from another breakthrough in the medical world!

Wishing you all the very best and again, thank you for posting a positive update.


Yank66 profile image

You made me smile this morning! So happy to see such a positive response to treatment. You’re spreading hope! Blessings to you and Joe for a long recovery.

dadzone43 profile image

Each day we survive counts in the Victory column.

DesertDaisy profile image

That's wonderful Catey. It's always very good to hear good news.


SteveTheJ profile image

You're on the right track. All you have is today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is unknown. Enjoy as much as you can while you can.

Hailwood profile image

Wonderful news and continue to seize the day

gsun profile image

It's really good to hear a positive result from Pluvicto. Not many around.

As far as snoring goes - my wife sleeps on my shoulder which is sooo good. She had a plugged nose last night and was snoring up a storm. i didn't care because I cherish every moment together and I let her go until I fell asleep even with the noise. You sound like you cherish every moment together as well. Keep it up!

RCR38 profile image

Stories like this give me hope and keep me moving forward. Thank you for sharing, and my blessings to you moving forward.

Jsbach1953 profile image

I'm happy for both of you! Yet while I think your taking joy in each day is great, I would suggest eliminating the "...AND I know the beast is only being held at bay. I don’t know what to expect next……but I suspect it won’t be pretty….." doomsday thinking. In my view, one has to be very careful about predicting negative things about one's health. They can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Our minds, that is, exercise considerable influence over our bodies. Also, you have no way of knowing if something bad's coming or not. The popular myth is that people aren't cured of cancer. It's not a scientific truth - it's just the Official Truth, not scientifically based, of our current medical establishment.

Chris_Ali profile image

It's inspiring to hear good news. So happy to you get to enjoy life together again.

FRTHBST profile image

Fantastic news! Thanks.

j-o-h-n profile image

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


AlmostnoHope profile image

Never take a boring day for granted and love everything as much as you can. I live my life that way.

Izzygirl1 profile image

I’m so happy to read this! Enjoy every day of vacation and each other! 🥰

85236442968 profile image


Your post is a great story.

I was so happy after reading it, thank you for that moment.

Best wishes for many more vacations and keep up the good fight.

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