Newly diagnosed researching lifestyle... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Newly diagnosed researching lifestyle changes

Nwdx profile image
30 Replies

Hi there,

Had a overall physical of everything which included PSA which was 6 in 2016 and didn't put any attention to it and ignored it, nobody I spoke with who saw the report said to do anything. No family history of prostate cancer that I know of.

Now 7 years later age 64, PSA 18, Free PSA 11% ratio, prostate normal size, no symptoms. Had ultrasound to follow up and it was confirmed 2cm long tumor in normal sized prostate, ultrasound report stated PI-RAD5, and referral for MRI and biopsy. Been reading day and night all over and found this forum through a friend who has been through radiation, etc. I am not interested in surgery or ADT at all, my quality of life preservation is more important than anything else. My personal option is radiation such as IMRT or Cyberknife, however I have not made any appointments with any Doctors yet for a targeted biopsy to get Gleason score, I am grateful to have found lot's of good Youtube videos and articles. Question is anyone who else waited a number of months (I want to wait for Medicare to use for all this diagnosis and treatment), doing more research- and changing for exercise, walking every day and changing diet from anyone else who has similar stats.

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Nwdx profile image
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30 Replies
Yokohama2023 profile image

I overlooked a psa score as well .. nobody brought it up initially. From 8 to 12 to 18. Doubling score is important and it seems yours is slow. I chose to have brachytherapy , ADT before, during and after … with 15 external beam radiation treatments. The key is keeping it from metastasizing.. how many years do you need to wait .. is the tumor close to the wall. If your wait is a year I’d do the ADT to stop it from spreading now. Quality of life will not exist if you let this go untreated.. you are potential at a point where you can beat this for good based on the psa doubling times. Health insurance sucks especially in the US , I’m lucky to be in Japan and don’t really have to pay a lot. Overall the treatments weren’t bad at all .. I’m finishing my 9 months of ADT at the end of this month..was Gleason 7 … the adt isn’t good .. quality of sex is min existence as well now and don’t anticipate being able to ejaculate but can have an orgasm .. that is the quality of life that well as weight gain and man boobs .. not bad though not sure what the experience will be after my testosterone recovers..hopefully but that’s the worst of it… the alternative is not better .. good luck to you !

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply toYokohama2023

Thank you for you response. The ultrasound report stated no signs of has deferens, urethra or capsule involvement. I have no option other than going bankrupt as not enough extra cash for treatment, no USA insurance but only is surgery since my country of residence does not offer Radiation but have local and country insurance, living on small SSA pension way below poverty level so can't even afford to live in the USA, hence why I left and Medicare is available in a number of months, trying to sell property now 6 months, no sale yet. Finances are my main issue for holding off. Didn't mention found tumor 2 months back, have been trying to get US COE appointment, all are booked at least 2-3 months just to talk to Dr about this, let alone transperineal biopsy. Tumor is I believe near bottom of capsule. Have lost 40lbs in past 6 months from changing diet, not feeling hungry either. Blood work had bilirubin out of range, but cholesterol way down to 150 from 240 years past. The ADT will ruin my active life, so reading about it scares me. How much time between your PSA interval increases? I plan in March to get new ultrasound and PSA to see if any change to cause me to just fly out. Need to wait about 7 months for Medicare and go back to USA for biopsy and radiation treatment.

Amadeus71 profile image
Amadeus71 in reply toNwdx

Welcome to the club. I'm not sure what you consider to be an active lifestyle, but there are plenty of us that continue to work, exercise, travel, etc while on ADT.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply toAmadeus71

My sex life, Dr Mulhall "Save your sex life" video is interesting:

Grandpa4 profile image

I would get the biopsy right away. Maybe it is a 6 and you can just wait. This can be a really bad disease. I just spent 2 years on ADT and Abiraterone and had minimal side effects except that I was uninterested in sex. That is better than interested but unable. I just did not care about sex. I did lift weights and exercise.

vintage42 profile image

You say you are "not interested in surgery or ADT at all" and prefer IMRT radiation. I chose IMRT over surgery because of my low stage (G 3+4) and high age (78). But you must have ADT. I failed to choose it after radiation, and that has allowed some cancer to remain in the prostate and spread to the nodes. I finally started ADT with Orgovyx last December to control it.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply tovintage42

Thats great that you accept the ADT, and it changed to add years, I like your plan as you were AS for a number of years? If I read between the lines? My genetics are maybe making it to 78, as most all my family died by 78.

vintage42 profile image
vintage42 in reply toNwdx

No, never did AS. I got radiation as soon as diagnosed. I failed to get ADT then, and am trying to make up for the lost years of ADT that allowed metastases.

85236442968 profile image


First of all best wishes for however things turnout for you .

Before you start deciding what your your treatment should be, it is prudent to find out if your cancer has spread beyond the prostate. Is it in the lymph nodes? is it further?

Once that question is answered, then the discussion of treatment options becomes viable.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply to85236442968

Yes, agreed any idea if the MRI Tesla 1.5 is worthwhile or must rely on latest PSMA pet scan or 3T MRI? Not sure if 1.5T MRI has contrast for prostate available.

Cape1 profile image

go plant based. Do major cardio. ( not just “active….major cardio) read the book by Jane McLelland. Those things are helping many , including me.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply toCape1

Yes, been reading the Dean Ornish report, related dietary reports, so thank you for confirming and also not eating dairy, eggs, etc. Radical diet change for me but willing to change. I walk daily and need to up the distance.

Cape1 profile image
Cape1 in reply toNwdx

Walking won’t wake up your immune system, and a WORKING immune system won’t support cancer. Just that simple

I swim at high speed for 30 minutes , but stationary bike is also good

Mini trampoline too , for moving lymph

No meat, booze or sugar. Lots of beans and greens

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply toCape1

When you say "working immune system" help me out with understanding, if you would.

So you mean lots of cardio?, I need to find something I can do since I have knee and shoulder injuries prevent playing sports or tennis. No convenient pools around either. Need a stationary bike - good idea, and gym is close by, should be raising my heart rate to the recommended level.

I already have autoimmune diseases of thyroid and gluten intolerance/celiac. Failed every treadmill test due to an inverted t-wave, where they shut down the ecg and treadmill machine even though I feel fine. Not sure I am eligible for general anesthesia, they would only use IV sedation with Versed when I was last in hospital for an injury. So no idea if eligible for brachy which I read requires general.

To start out, I am eating mostly avocados, tomatoes, brocolli, fresh fruits, cannot digest kale like greens due in part to the digestive/celiac like issues for 20 years. Non drinker for many years. I am struggling with no chicken or eggs no due to Arachidonic acid discovery on the video, eat red meat sparsely, no McDonalds garbage food for years. Recently started D3 supplements (with food of course), B12, saw palmetto, zinc, vitamin C.

Past few months stress not sure if it helped but was great to lose 40lbs (ended years of BP meds now normal 120/80, one reason to figure out why easy weight loss and for taking the blood tests) eating next to zero soft drinks, candy, chips, processed foods etc. Its a struggle, but now 20 years gluten free 95% compliant changed my life. Also got rid of stress which dropped PPI meds for reflux.

Cape1 profile image
Cape1 in reply toNwdx

My point is that we all started life with a working immune system, and it prevented the cancer we now have…until it didn’t

If we can do things that re-energizes our system, it knows what to do

IMO, cardio and diet can move us in that direction. Not half-assed , but full bore.

I think it is Chris Wark who says “If you need massive results, you better start with massive efforts. “

Nwdx profile image

Thank you all for you input. Yes, I thought about an MRI but the local hospital only has 1.5 Tesla and speaking to the US University nurse for the Doctor, she implied 1.5 would not be high enough resolution imaging for metastatic. Not sure about validity. I would not qualify for aid since I have assets, albeit illiquid. The stress of all this really bad, and I am just not willing to take ADT and live a celibate life, and ruin possibility of T returning to normal. I have no family, spouse, etc so need to pay for assistance if metastatic out of pocket and final hospice care when the time comes, my situation is tied permanent outside US, and will need to travel back and forth for treatment. I feel my days of a really great life (which I am really grateful for) are over, have no bucket list as I am content but at same time heard stories of others die of this but no idea their PSA or how long the suffering is.

vintage42 profile image
vintage42 in reply toNwdx

You said " I am just not willing to take ADT and live a celibate life, and ruin possibility of T returning to normal."

I don't know if ADT means celibacy like damage from surgery can. At age 81 it's not an issue for me. But Orgovyx ADT has minimal side effects, and returns testosterone to normal very quickly after stopping.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply tovintage42

A friend with PC who referred me here, really is angry his Dr. pushed him to ADT. His T isn't recovering, didn't tell me which drug he used though.

jfoesq profile image

O have been in ADT for 11+ years and while the side effects are significant (for me: loss of sex drive, some lethargy, “mamboobs” in addition to others, I am VERY happy I chose the treatment and am alive and living a pretty good life. Perhaps, you should give the decision not to get treatment some more consideration.

ron_bucher profile image

Every case is unique. Until you get your Gleason score, it is impractical to try to assess benefits, risks or timing of treatment alternatives.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply toron_bucher

True, maybe I am a 3+4 or 3+3, but at this PSA unlikely I think. Late March will be 3 months since discovery so new PSA if 18 remains and rectal ultrasound tumor size is the same, and buys me time.

j-o-h-n profile image

Living life is really three things: Attitude, Attitude and Attitude.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply toj-o-h-n

Agreed. Live each day like it was your last one. That's why I am doing what I do, especially for past few months.

My attitude is either I live good quality of life which means no "tool" malfunctioning.... or I pull the plug out of the wall. I have avoided Dr's most of the past 20 years, and am skeptical due to personal experience of seeing so many critical mistakes happen to my friends- like my 2 recently deceasee friends who just died, delayed diagnosis both... By the "system" one turned to pancreatic cancer, human error on friends who died after paying huge cash for surgery, hospital infection I got, ulcers from stiches not dissolving, misdiagnosis' for years on my digestive issues, SSRI scam I bought into for a few years, the medical profession itself, "publically traded, industrialized medical system", like insurance its all about profits over people. No, I am not a big fan of state control or socialized medicine either. Hospitals were operated by benevolent organizations and churches who cared about people when I was born. Gone IME. Sorry about ranting, it is difficult to be in a positive mindset. I would rather lose a kidney or leg than lose use of my "tool".

Nwdx profile image

Are there any links here to a personal story or website or timeline/diary of someone stage 3 or 4 who omitted treatment, describing details such as what sort of pain or disabling situation they faced and for how long? I know the variables are many, pelvis, bladder, bones, lymph, blood spread. I watched my father suffer daily lymphoma -lukemia 3 months his final days, lymph shut down, it was awful but at least he had morphine.

vintage42 profile image

"Are there any links here to a personal story or website or timeline/diary of someone stage 3 or 4 who omitted treatment..."

I don't know the sequence if treatment is completely omitted, but it must hasten the process. Maybe you can find something at this site which has very many stories:

Most people at least do ADT, like this person:

I recently talked to a lady whose husband passed a few years ago with no treatment except ADT during the last year which I think helped with pain. The odd thing was that he was a doctor. She said it took five years from diagnosis, with three good years and the last two years getting worse, and that pain meds were used.

Treated cancer usually eventually goes from nodes to bones, where it can cause severe pain. Even to the skull. And if the pain cannot be controlled, I would want it to move on to the liver so it can bring death.

I would want to take all the treatment I could find, and try to push the end date out beyond where something else will get me first.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply tovintage42

Thanks, I will read those links. Appreciate it. Yes I am expecting something like that 5 year thing if this spreads. Until I get my Gleason, I won't know much more.

Thank you!!!! Wow, great website I found a couple of questions answered I have not seen elsewhere that being PSA 50 generally accepted as metastasized, (not all cases of course) and 12cc tumor volume, which is 1/2 of average lobe size.

Nwdx profile image
Nwdx in reply tovintage42

Just wanted to follow up, is exactly what I wanted. Very organized, filtering of all fields in the table. Really is useful.

Nwdx profile image

Arachidonic acid found in both staples of mine were chicken and eggs which is major switch for me going forward.

This is also: I thought Fish might be safe. But nope.

Methionine restriction. (Eliminates fish also, so being a pescatarian won't cut it ).


Nwdx profile image

Thank you. Yes. I am beginning to see this PC is a treatment factory. I will plot it, print out yes need to keep records for sure. As far as I see, I imagine minimum say 3 years up to 10. My end game scheme is to avoid hospice, yet live my life to the fullest right now and going vegan with exercise only for a few more months. No biopsy yet, assume I have had this lesion at least 10 years growth based on a cell doubling video I watched. I was PSA 6 in 2016, so smaller lesion likely way back then.

Nwdx profile image

Trying hard to reduce stress, good news today no rapid progression of PSA as in December it was 17.9(18). PSA March 2024 17.6, stable. Free PSA nearly same 2.1 in Dec and 2.4 today. Ratio December 11%, now 13%. Used same lab, $80 for both PSA total and Free PSA.

Changed to strict vegan diet and increasing exercise. No more arachnidonic acid foods like Chicken and Eggs which I've eaten daily for years.

Making Lycopene a priority in tomato consumption daily, bean only chili's with cayenne and other spices. Using watermelon, banana, pineapple and broccoli smoothies to get cruciferous vegetable daily. ( I hate broccoli). Eating lots of fresh papaya and soursop as often as I can. All the antioxidant foods I can, trying to follow MacDougalls diet and Marcus Rosenkrantz "heal yourself" diet advice. I am determined to be a test case to see if my diet change will put the lesion growth to a standstill or a minimum. Hoping its a 3+3 (unlikely), and get at least 10 years more without losing functionality. Daily 25mg Viagra as recommended in above video of Sloan Kettering Dr.

Reading more about Tulsa Pro and IMRT. Concerned about stray radiation beam on the 2 nerves for erectile function up front. Will check PSA again in May. Will sign up for Medicare in June and travel to see a MO and get mri guided transperineal biopsy under IV sedation after September provided PSA remains the same.

Quality of my sex life versus quantity of remaining years remains my goal. No knives or hormones for me.

I found this recent video interesting for anyone looking to alternative ideas.

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