Scott Lulu700 Slimpicken Whimpy - Advanced Prostate...

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Scott Lulu700 Slimpicken Whimpy

Kaliber profile image
77 Replies

does anyone know anything about Scott Whimpy Lulu Slimpicken …. It’s been ages since we’ve heard of him and his home phone number doesn’t work as well.



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Kaliber profile image
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77 Replies
16starsky profile image

I used to chat with Scott quite often, then 11months ago all communication stopped. I have tried to private chat with him a couple of times, to ask him how he is...... but no reply. I am also worried about him. Its funny because I was actually going to post the same as you!

Hope someone can tell us, that hes ok?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to16starsky

Can’t find him on the group to pm. Might be under one of the last names he used to use, dunno. Hoping he’s ok. Crossing my fingers. G’evening Kim ( it’s 10 a.m. here on west coast of California. ). Hope you and Clint are doing fine, anticipating spring .


16starsky profile image
16starsky in reply toKaliber

Its 7pm here. Clint is suffering with his slipped disc and arthritic hip, trying to get it sorted ! Hope you and your good wife are ok .

It is getting a little lighter at night now, dusk about 6pm, temps not too bad,

Yes I cant remember Scotts name before he changed it, was it his dogs name ?Lulu something I think ?

Hope hes ok.


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to16starsky

well I hope Clint gets everything sorted out and is comfortable, …. Just basic comfort seems like such an elusive luxury in our business doesn’t it. Yikes. If it’s not one thing it’s another. Old age compounded by cancer and cancer drugs. It’s not a pretty mix.

Scott may have given up on the group and who would blame him. Some people on this planet just aren’t happy at all , no matter what. And some are haters of people that are …. Or just plain hate , upbeat, nice guys. The haters cut loose here sometimes, as you may have seen lately. They went after him a couple times too. Several of us, me included , have been the target of their hate attacks.

I’m just hoping he is OK …. He and I shared a couple common married life issues …. Kinda brothers in that respect. Scott was always what I thought was a interesting, good natured, nice guy.


in reply toKaliber

Hard to believe anyone could hate on you, Kaliber. Your only sin, if you could call it that, is telling it like it is. Seems like that would be like adding insult to injury.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Kind words brother … dunno about that tho. I do seem to draw everything from ire to fuming hate sometimes tho. After “ everything “ calling me names seems superfluous. In the scheme of things , all that rolls off my back, considering . My intentions, even if I don’t seem to come off properly , are intended to be positive , one way or the other. That and offer some camaraderie - support.

Since most of us are older tho … other things can figure in …like senility and Alzheimer’s , where anger can just be what you wake up with mornings. Add all this together and it’s rich soil to grow negativity sometimes. I once worked at a V.A. where they had a large geriatric home filled with older men that needed supervision and meds. Fuming - spitting anger was every day fare there. Your heart went out to them and I couldn’t help wonder if I was next for a wheelchair there. Thank goodness it was only terminal cancer. Yayaya yayay yayayay. ( huh ? )


fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply toKaliber

Kaliber, I can't believe you've been dissed on this site. We've corresponded on guitar and ganga issues. I consider you a Renaissance man, the most interesting guy on this forum.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply tofast_eddie

Yayahahahaya, we , for the most part, no one has jumped me much in recent times … it’s been some other guys, nice guys, that have been targeted. Darryl has been pretty sharp at nipping it in the bud.

I hope I’m not the most interesting guy here …. Yikes. The real “ interesting “ guy says “ I don’t always drink a beer, but when I do …. I drink Dos Equis. “ yayahahahaya. He is the one.

Love ya brother, thanks for jumping in.


siouxbee19 profile image

I've been thinking the same thing as y'all for quite awhile now, worried about our friend! 🕊️🙏❤️🕯️

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply tosiouxbee19

🤞keeping our fingers crossed that he’ll ok. Scott and the entire family.


treedown profile image

I think about him often and I hope he is doing well. He was off meds and doing well when last we corresponded and I have been hoping that he has not had need for the forum. He seems to have taken quite a bit of crap so I am not surprised.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply totreedown

Yea lets hope he’s doing fine still. He was attacked here , he didn’t deserve that, no one does. He’s a great guy . Wish he could come back again. Lots of people here miss him. I thought he’d take a break and come back. Things are , mostly, nicer here now. Darryl works hard at keeping things civil.,


Yadifan profile image

I've wondered about him also. Thank you for posting this. Hoping we get an answer.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toYadifan


Kaliber profile image



dublin1717 profile image

I wondered too Kaliber about him.

He was very kind to me in my early days on here.


Joes-dad profile image

The last time I chatted with Scott, he was going by SLIMPICKEN. I just looked and that acct is gone. I hope it's just another user name change for him.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toJoes-dad

Oh yea … I forgot . Thanks.


CAMPSOUPS profile image

For several months I thought about PM'ing you and asking if you knew lol. Oh well.

Yea I saw that last post he was scathed in and then he became hidden. Seems he never re-joined here.

Wimpy, Lulu700, Slimpickens.

I'm speculating but I bet he's ok. Miss him. His interjections were heartfelt and his QOL posts were a lot of fun and helped us all to get to know one another better.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCAMPSOUPS

He was kewl … I loved his hippie next to a saguaro cactus in the desert pictures. He was a great example of a aPCa cancer guy that just wanted to have doobie QOL and friends on the group . My kind of guy yayaya. He had that secret Tak700 experimental adt drug that actually looked like it was curing him. 2/3 of my supplement regimen was copied from his regimen. Success speaks for itself. Great guy.


fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply toKaliber

Yeah, it's coming back to me. He was an AZ guy like me, right? His dog was named Lulu?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply tofast_eddie



Murph256 profile image
Murph256 in reply toCAMPSOUPS

I am always surprised by how hostile this forum can be. I mean many of us come here for the fellowship. After all, we’re all dying of prostate cancer. You would think that would be a commonality that would bind us together. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. I have learned to only post on this forum when I have a very specific question.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toMurph256

That doesn’t ensure success Murph. I’ve posted many questions that were very specific, and received very aggressive attacks or passive aggressive attacks to my simple questions. Many of those attackers are men on this message thread. This website is like most social media. It becomes tribal, like the tv show, Survivor. It’s caused by many people believing that their treatment philosophy or tribe is right about everything, and they fail to see their own flaws. This particular tag is dripping with smugness and virtue signaling. Everyone thinks they are totally innocent or pretends to be. Sometimes people bait for reassurance so they feel better about themselves.

I agree with you that things should be civil but there are always going to be controlling people who want to silence the thoughts and facts from others that differ for their own beliefs.

Plus, everyone with advanced prostate cancer is always going to have some level of unhappiness caused by this disease, so that finds its way into the comments.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toGeorgeGlass

Ah ….

I think that it’s kinda overlooked or completely misunderstood that this site is a privately owned, moderated , monetized, cancer support site heavily mined by research and commercial entities. It’s not anything like open social media sites like Reddit and similar sites.

Due to the stark similarities, it’s easy to overlook that being privately owned and controlled, certain kinds of content … fighting aren’t wanted or appropriate here. There are other, better suited sites for those interests.

I think that in times past , I was among the top tier ( if not the top ) of guys that have been heavily moderated, posts - photos completely disappeared and given a LOT of 24 hour “ time outs “. I’ve tried , mostly, to fit in with the beneficial intent of this community , because I value highly the social camaraderie and technical medical / SOC support it provides .

Just say’in


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toKaliber

I don’t disagree with your comments, and I agree that fighting is bad and that facts are important. I also think that small observational studies should be respected to a degree, and hypotheses should be discussed with hope and desire to discern treatment ideas that the medical continuity has ignored due to a lack of monetary incentive. Sometimes it’s clear that the SOC is failing a large percentage of patients, so it is in everyone’s best interests to consider all possibilities and to not chastise someone for presenting a question or an idea. Many have left this site because they were piled on by several members. Those guys either don’t want the aggravation or they aren’t energetic enough to debate several opinionated people, all at once.

it’s just important for all members to keep that in mind as well. Over the last few years, I had a botched prostate cancer radiation treatment that permanently ruined my life, a heart dissection caused by an an amateur cardiologist in training (both of them were done at Walter Reed/Bethesda military medical center. The radiologist was an amateur as well, in brachytherapy.

Then Iwas given Leva Floxin for a minor infection. That antibiotic destroyed new for 11 months ( heart damage, suicidal thoughts, had to use a sitter seat and a wheel chair for months, several other damages). The doctor didn’t care about the damage she caused, and never mentioned the FDA black box warning that is on all floroquinolone prescriptions.

Two years later, I got one of the 15% bad batches of Pfizer from the VA. Two shots caused severe shoulder injuries and heart problems (several trips to the ER). The VA doctor just said, oh well, nothing we can do, is AC experimental mrna injection we don’t know how people will react (even though 28 million Americans had similar reactions or much worse .

Another thing, I left the DC Virginia area so I could escape the horrible treatment up there and I started going to Duke Hospital and then during Covid. They decided to come up that idea to transfer me to a doctor in Myrtle Beach that does all the high profile, conferences and speeches stone the country the guy was horribly rude, only conduct 5 to 10 minute appointments, wouldn't communicate at all, and only wanted to do chemotherapy, without discussing adaptive therapy at all, he drove me right into castration without trying anything else.

So, SOC has been nothing but a complete failure, nonstop, for nine years for me.

70+ % of people in America are either either overweight or obese, and most of them are insulin resistant. At some point everybody needs to wake up and realize that this medical system we have in America is all reactionary and designed to make as much money as possible and there’s very little preventative care unless you pay out-of-pocket to go to a functional medicine doctor or a gym and a nutritionist.

While I’m on that topic a point out that in the year 2000 a doctor at Fort Leavenworth told me my calcium levels were a little bit too low so I should take calcium supplements with vitamin D, and due to basal cell carcinoma, I had that I should stay out of the sun. So, for 13 years, I took calcium with vitamin D every day and stayed out of the sun. Lowering my vitamin D three levels to low dangerous levels, which made me vulnerable to Cancer. in 2013 I could run a five minute mile and I was the leading score on my hockey team playing against 25 year olds. 015 I found out that I had prostate cancer and coronary artery disease. The calcium buildup was probably partially or largely due to taking calcium pills for 15 years straightin the prostate cancer was probably somewhat related to having very low vitamin D levels for 15 years straight and never going out in the sun.

These were all SOC interventions I’ve got friends that use it up all the time and never go to the doctor and they don’t have anything wrong. May not be a scientific study but I know that if I hadn’t followed all this doctorly advice I’d be a lot better off right now.

When we have highly intelligent individuals on a site like this, it’s important to let open discussion flow without people intentionally trying to shut peoples ideas down. Everyone on here is already getting standard care ideas from the doctors so this forms more about getting supplemental or alternative treatment ideas, and clinical trial information.

Of course Support, comfort, and camaraderie is important as well.

Ok, my thumb is tired that’s enough for now.



Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toGeorgeGlass

Ok well clearly you have strong views and a lot to say about them . You and I are paddling in the same boat in many/ most respects.

I’ll just say this … if I owned a ( highly rated - highly acclaimed and rated at ) million dollar plus shiny new Volkswagen bug and someone started putting stickers on it that I didn’t want … well, I think anyone would be upset. It’s pretty much just that. I wouldn’t want it devalued and neither would you if you owned it instead. This leaving the medical stuff aside.

Maybe you could ask to buy in and be on the board of directors to form policy if you feel that strongly about it. As it’s going right now, it’s been fiscally extremely well managed and the ProPublica listing says it all. Impressive.

Just say’in



SeosamhM profile image
SeosamhM in reply toMurph256

Holy crap!! I'm DYING??? ;) LOL

Carlosbach profile image

K, Thanks for posting this. Seems like we all disappear now and then for different reasons. Slimpickens, aka Lulu, aka Lulu2000, and so on was the first person on this site to react to me as another scared human being instead of as a random blogger. Invited me to Prescott. Hope you are well Slim.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCarlosbach


Lettuce231 profile image

Hi Kaliber, I posted Slimpicken directly must be a year or so ago. He had some altercation with someone on here and that's why he changed his user name. He was pleased to hear from me, I then sent the link to Joes-Dad, because we had both been looking for him.

I think he made the decision not to post anymore.

Scott is a lovely guy and has been through so much in his life, it wold be good to know how he is doing.

Take care buddy ❤️

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toLettuce231

It’d be nice to know if he is OK at least. Wish he’d come back and enrich the group like he used to do. He added a lot to the social aspect here.

Lettuce231 profile image
Lettuce231 in reply toKaliber

Yep, I fully agree with you

DesertDaisy profile image
DesertDaisy in reply toKaliber

There are many on this group I miss.

dublin1717 profile image
dublin1717 in reply toKaliber

Yes I agree K.

fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply toLettuce231

I can relate to this dropping out / disappearing business. I got ticked off enough to leave. I was WSOPeddie then. I missed this group and decided to come back as fast_eddie.

Lettuce231 profile image
Lettuce231 in reply tofast_eddie

Nice to have you back fast-eddie AKA WSOPeddie 🤫

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toLettuce231

Yes … please


fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply toLettuce231

Thank you. Good to be back.

Hobierat profile image

Kaliber, I have talked with Scott a few times PM and followed him for years.. he may have just burned out on the forum. The last post I saw that sounded like him was posted from UKNOWN


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toHobierat

❤️❤️❤️ thanks JJ

treedown profile image

If he posted again, there is no way I wouldn't know it was him. When I started on this forum he was a force of nature of positive energy. I have to think the positive energy is keeping him going strong, I have to.

Mascouche profile image

Before reading this post I never realized that the guy I knew as Lulu700 also went under other aliases. After reading this post, I went into my chat to see those I had with him and noticed that they now say "Slimpicken" which I don't recall seeing before.

I visit this board on and off with sometimes a few months in between my visits as I think it helps me to sometimes take a break for cancer centric info and focus on living. But after a while I come back to see if someone new is seeking info or if some new treatment has been discovered.

I guess people like Luly700 and Nalakrats must have left during a time when I was taking a break from this board as I don't recall seeing them in a serious feud with others while I was active on the board. I don't know what happened but I find it sad to see that those contributors are no longer here.

Mikeski profile image

I’ve wondered about him as well. Scott was/IS a lovely guy and a great asset to this community. I miss his positive posts.

Hoping he’s enjoying life with his wife in Prescott.

monte1111 profile image

He may have been eaten by a bear.

fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply tomonte1111

Never camp with people who run faster than you.

JWPMP profile image
JWPMP in reply tofast_eddie


Kaliber profile image

yikes … probably tasty tho …


j-o-h-n profile image

I understand that -

Scott snuck over the border into Mexico as an Illegal American Immigrant....... With drug money he opened an exotic cantina in the lovely Mexican town of Tijuana and named it "Salud Bloqueada" . He said he misses and sends his regards to visit him. Only thing he added was "BRING WATER!!!" (OMG You mean he actually ate a bear?)...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toj-o-h-n

Yayahahahaya. Actually the cantina part does sound like Scott a lot. I’ll bet he’d be good at it too. Tryna get him jump started to return. I’ve already been contacted by two great guys that have shown back up again , after a prolonged absence. All of this is surely going to add to the friendship and camaraderie here, making it more robust and interesting. Pretty kewl buddy,

Love ya big guy


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toKaliber

I miss him too..........but I think he became too serious at the end...(Take it all with a grain of salt).............Thank God for you and Monti.............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toj-o-h-n

He’s down there with the ben stiller character from “Heartbreak Kid “ 😆

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toGeorgeGlass

And he changed his UserID to "Hardon Kid"............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toj-o-h-n

Lol. And he’s with the chick from desperate housewives.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toGeorgeGlass

Whadda mean he's with with the chick? He is the chick.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


Kaliber profile image

yea , I think you are right.


Kaliber profile image

lol 😂😂😂

Mascouche profile image

I used to have horrible neuropathic pain in my feet since the radiation. It was thanks to Nalakrat's suggestion that I take some supplements that my pain went away after a while. And I could validate that it was his supplements because if I stopped them for just 2-3 days, the pain would come back. I owe him.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toMascouche

Nalakrats and I pm’ed . In fact, I’m using his ( expensive ) peach pectin supplements recommendation in my morning supplements regimen. He, as far as I know, was always nice to me.

the great news is that you have found a way to manage your pain . Good for you, that’s all that matters …if you are happy with it.

Myself , I’m a degreed, retired, biomedical engineer. I’d have to be considered part of the medical establishment. I was department head of the biomedical department at the 16 acre V.A. Medical Center in Fresno, I was there for 32 years. . I dedicated my life to helping injured war soldiers ( Darnall Army Hospital , Texas ) and Veterans.

still , I’ve seen successful non traditional / alternative medicine ( if you call it that ) in action , right in my own house. My second wife , Karen , was born in McKinney , Ky in Boneyard hollow. Karen’s father died before she was born. After she was born, ladies there in the area revered her as a “ special baby healer “ ( because of when her father died and probably other related things ) and brought dozens of babies with “ colic “ ( and other ailments ) to her to heal. She would breathe into their mouths ( as taught by Elder’s ) , dunno if tongue was involved ( for transfer of bacteria or ? ) and far as I remember, every single baby was healed very quickly. It was amazing. 100% successful.

Just shows you that sometimes SOC isn’t necessarily the only answer but I’m still a SOC guy myself.

Mascouche profile image
Mascouche in reply toKaliber

What is now called non traditional/alternative medicine used to be called simply medicine before the changes orchestrated by Rockefeller. When his efforts began in 1901, his Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, or RIMR was considered "America's first research institution for experimental medicine". Now his experimental medicine is considered traditional and the old ways are considered alternative.

Like you, I too believe in picking whatever tool is needed from both old and new medicine.

As for what your wife was doing for those babies with colic, do you believe it would be because of supernatural causes (belief) or maybe for some misunderstood biological reason such as the CO2 she was expiring into the babies. I know CO2 is what fixes the cells inability to process the high-volume of oxygen during times of high anxiety (such as what happens when you breathe into a paper bag during a panic attack). Maybe something similar is at play for colic?

I threw this out there as a theory but there might be something to it. I just did a search of colic and CO2 and this popped-up: . "The oxygen extraction ratio was also significantly increased in colic horses with a GS of 3. A rise in the oxygen extraction ratio detected in the most severely affected animals seemed to reflect the compensatory properties of the oxygen transport system where extraction of oxygen from the blood increases when systemic oxygen delivery decreases, as might be anticipated in horses with colic." :)

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toMascouche

That baby thing happened a couple of decades or more before my own medical career started. Frankly , it creeped me out, tbh. My best guess is that Karen had curative ( for babies) bacteria in her mouth. I have zero grasp on why the father thing figured in. Yes … some of the mothers thought it was definitely supernatural…, some thought special god’s gifts. All my childhood, I ate curative paw paws , dandelion tea, willow bark tea, ginseng root preparation, sassafras, tree roots , herbal cures , poetess and piles more. I can’t remember them all. It was all there and was in Appalachia. May be a small dose of rattlesnake, venom, and or a sip out of that mason jar of lie behind the pulpit. Holy ghost hiding in that closet , that would get me, if I didn’t settle down during Wednesdays night services. There wasn’t any SOC medicine available there and then ( late 40s - early 50s ) right after the war. I clearly remember the weeks I was sick, near death, bed ridden with rubella ( a woman sat by me and prayed, everyone cried that I was so young and near death ) and some children around my area, were catching polio and becoming cripples wearing braces. Men lived mostly to a ripe old age of 45 years old, and promptly of died of black lung disease. To get real medical care , one had to drive 70 miles into town, a daunting task with beat old 1930s used cars and state highway speed limits of 45-50 mph. 20 miles of dirt - gravel roads to get to any pavement.

It’s kinda ironic to me, people nowadays are “ rediscovering “ the old ways and jumping on the bandwagon of something that was mostly universally viewed with disdain - regret back then. People stayed sick - died a lot , esp black lung and newborns , and often claimed it was “ God”s will “. The advent - appearance of “ country doctors “ quite literally changed the landscape, population wise. People that either forgot or weren’t even there … are promoting it again nowadays. Go figure …. Yayayay yayaya trippy …


Mascouche profile image
Mascouche in reply toKaliber

I am twenty years younger than you and reading about your era is always fascinating to me. I often think I would have liked to live in those "simpler" time but that could just be because I wasn't there and the grass is always greener elsewhere.

I know the physical life is more comfortable now because the technology makes it so that its about never too cold or too hot to sleep. But what about the general well-being before the introduction of highly processed foods and the mental health and social interactions before all the tech.

Personally I would gladly leave 2024 and its comfort and switch to the 1970's as to me life in that era I grew up in seemed of a higher quality and simpler. It felt that if you worked hard and were motivated, everything could be achieved.

Since you have lived through the 50's, how would you compare it to the 1970's and also to 2024?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toMascouche

yayahahahaya well I wrote you a large diatribe answering your question , but it evidently has been “ moderated “ ( happens to me now and then , here ) I frequently talk too much and I agree it was off topic of the group. I was gonna take it down after I knew you read it, but now I don’t have to worry about it. Yayahahahaya

No biggie ….


SeosamhM profile image
SeosamhM in reply toKaliber

I just knew you weren't just another pretty face! I'm of a similar philosophical bent as you - i.e., as a well-educated fellow (including one of my MS' being in environmental chemistry),I am SOC with an open mind.

Diagnosed at 49 with a prognosis of 30% chance of 5-year survival, I have periodically used non-trad "medicine" in an auxiliary role as a way of empowering myself in this crappy experience and better help my understanding and acceptance of current SOC. I've done some deep dives on non-trad and found that there isn't enough information to gamble my life choices on treatment.

It is absolute truth that non-trad medicine that works eventually becomes traditional therapy, e.g., taxane chemotherapy has its roots ( ;) ) in the Pacific yew tree. The fact of the matter is that non-trad "devoutists" rage against the machine even while that machine has the best statistical chance of extending their life.

I understand the fear and mistrust of "big medicine," but do not accept it. Are some "treatments" being kept unstudied and/or unavailable and off-market because of economics? I think that the answer to this is an unqualified "yes." In America, medicine is a business. With this business model, there is both an unceasing stream of inquiry into novel treatments (for almost every condition!) coupled somewhat paradoxically with very hard stops in funding those streams if they don't forecast an investment pay back.

I have hope/anticipation that this will change in another generation (or two) because AI modelling and analysis will reduce the initial high capital investments in treatment study and development. This will overcome some big economic barriers to rolling out a treatment - maybe by "small pharma," like a microbrewery to those of us who hate "big beer!"

Time will tell. But, of course, that's the rub for us, isn't it? - Joe M.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toSeosamhM

Yes me too. Ima definitely sticking with the SOC that has pulled me thru 60+ months of life I wasn’t supposed to get …, doesn’t mean ima gonna stop any of the 20+ supplements I take every morning trying to hedge my bet yayahahaha. Boy DXed at 49, how much more crappy does it get than that ? None …. I’m sorry to hear that. No terminal cancer is ever good but at that age it seems especially agreagojs. Dang brother.

I think we all hope a new “ thing “ comes down the pike to save us before we auger in … but looking back at all the lost souls we’ve already seen here … pretty grim. Gotta get out NOW for that QOL while we can.

Love ya brother


SeosamhM profile image
SeosamhM in reply toKaliber

I try, Kal. Sometimes it’s hard not to have survivor’s guilt, tho - we’ve lost so many of my age peers here… the great posters/fighters I followed were Cleodman, Henukit, Tom67inMA, Joekaty…. Shed a tear and raise a glass, eh?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toSeosamhM

I don’t know survivors guilt. I’m definitely not going to survive. I don’t necessarily expect the cancer to actually get me, it’ll be a heart attack or, more likely, a stroke ( strokes run in my family ) induced by side effects from my adt treatment. I have ischemic small vessel white matter damage and my cardiac QRS train looks like a scary etch-a- sketch. I’ve already had one small stroke. I’m beat down physically, so much so …. no one can survive “ like this “ very long. Hospice isn’t far from my thoughts these days … it’s more complicated than I can or will say here , …. but that the gist of it.

PSAed profile image
PSAed in reply toKaliber

I read a book entitled "Tuesday's with MORRIE" by Mitch Albom recently and thought of you i.e. the same indomitable spirit. It sounds cliched but you really are an inspiration. Best Wishes

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toPSAed

Well thanks brother … but dunno if I’d “ go there “ yayahahahaya. I feel barely regular . I appreciate it .


Worked_the_World profile image
Worked_the_World in reply toKaliber

My grandfather told me once that he had been a special baby healer. He added a qualification that the healer's father passed away before the healer was born. He was adamant that when he breathed into the patients that they recovered.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toMascouche

Yes, he’s a very knowledgeable and helpful dude. I’m glad he helped you out. That neuropathy improvement is a big deal. What supplements due you take for that pain? My mom has neuropathy too.

Mascouche profile image
Mascouche in reply toGeorgeGlass

Hi George,

Initially I was taking 250mg of Benfotiamine twice a day (morning and evening), R-Lipoic acid 300mg twice a day (morning and evening), and NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) 500mg in the morning. I think it took about 3 weeks before the pain went away.

After a few months I stopped the evening doses and the NAC completely and I am still doing fine with just my morning doses.

Not saying this will work for your mom because I remember that Nalakrats told me that it works best if you haven't begun experiencing neuropathy for too long. The longer you've had it, the higher the chances that the damage is not reversible.

In my case the neuropathic pain had begun in March 2022, about 8 months after the end of my radiation treatments, then I tried Nalakrats' recommendation in April or May 2022. So it was early days for me and maybe that made me lucky.

Best of luck to you and your mom.

fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply toMascouche

And I owe Patrick big time for his iodine supplement recommendation. It helped cure my Peyronies after the Medical establishment Xiaflex not only failed but put me in the ER with retention. I am going to say that Nalakrats, like me, got sick and tired of a self-appointed authority here who waged unending war on supplements. This same person also brutally and repeatedly condemned my chosen treatment choice -- HIFU -- despite no personal experience with it.

SeosamhM profile image

Thanks for the post, Kal, I was just thinking about him - he is sort of my "class" on HU. If you and 16starsky haven't been able to hook up with Scott, it is worrisome... :(

That's the problem with forums - it is so easy to lose track of people who have become our friends.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toSeosamhM

Last I talked with him he was certainly fed up here, it’s understandable considering the attacks back then. I just hope he is still OK and hasn’t passed. Darryl keeps a much better moderation these days … that stuff is very rare now.


fluffyfur profile image

Scott is a cool dude. We used to message when he was going by Whimpy. I hope he's ok. Please update if you hear anything!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply tofluffyfur

I hope he’s OK too brother…. above any thing , thats most important. Scott was a fun and great guy, the group would be enriched with his humor and craziness. Hope he comes back to drop in and say Hi, at least.


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