I have started attending Skanda Vale Hospice, and know there is some interest in it among the subscribers here. Rooting around, I have found that they have a website that might be of interest, although this is devoted to the Hospice, not to the Ashram that is responsible for it. I hope you find this of interest. You will note that, despite its strong Hindu connexions, it has fully qualified staff. I interact much with Sisters Kiera and Ally. There are many volunteers also -- caeers, artistic therapists and the like. There are reflexology sessions for those who wish and other therapies also. I think I am tremendously lucky to have such a facility within reach.
Skanda Vale Hospice : I have started... - Advanced Prostate...
Skanda Vale Hospice

An attitude of gratitude…. best of outcomes to you.💕
Thank you Brent. I hope you are comfortable and can stay comfortable for the duration.
Best wishes
I will teach you a little Hindi...... Of course you know the greeting namaste......Well if you're saying goodbye to your Hindu friends you say "u must stay" and "I must go".....(of course with your palms up).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Brent you still have more paintings and musings to offer us. When the time comes its good to know you'll be in a peaceful nice setting. A setting like that would change my mind about care at home.
Thank you for posting the website, very interesting. You are fortunate to have this within reach. As always, best wishes to you and your wife during this time of transition. -Deb