My 96 year old FIL was recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer which has metastasized to his liver, lymph nodes, pelvis and spine, with a compression fracture in L12. The family is at a crossroads, deciding between starting him on ADT or having him enter hospice. As the urologist described it, without ADT he will get to the point where his bone structure can't support any body weight. Simply moving him from bed to wheelchair or rolling him over in bed could break bones. And/or cancer masses will grow to the point that they press against nerves in multiple organs.
The alternative to ADT, of course, is entering hospice.
My FIL has other health issues, as you can imagine at 96, including congestive heart failure and has recently recovered from falls/broken hips.
To be clear, the family's objective (and his) is not to prolong his life or postpone an inevitably painful process. It seems that both choices have major downsides though.
I am looking to this community for any experience or advice you could offer. This is my first post, so please let me know if there's any more information I can provide or questions the family should be asking doctors.
Thank you.