I am struggling to decide on my treatment. The main point of conflict is HT or not, and LDR Brachytherapy (if I am eligible - because of a previous HOLEP) or IMRT. I also wonder if I should push hard for a 10-day earlier consultation at the risk of bad feeling.
I welcome advice.
In the UK - Referral to treatment has been slow. It will be 24 weeks before I get to meet with the radio - oncologist in 3 weeks time, to discuss treatment.
1. Should I make a fuss and try and be seen possibly 10 days earlier to discuss treatment - will 10 days make any difference to the prognosis? Mark Scholz says waiting 6 -12 months with localised intermediate-grade cancer is ok. I worry about progression - see my stats below
I am 77+ and NED 6.5 years after stage 4 transitional cell kidney cancer. I now only have 1 kidney and a stable 42 eGFR. Fit and active, good bmi, no other comorbidities, no medication, never smoker or drinker.
HT is a significant risk for my solitary low eGFR kidney ie AKI or kidney failure. I therefore don't want HT. There are numerous papers on the risk. There is also QOL considerations being 77+. Mark Scholz not positive about HT for over 75s.
2. Is no HT a sensible decision given my age and kidney situation, or should I risk it given the benefits? There may be a further wait to treatment of at least weeks.
The only treatments available to me are VMAT IMRT and maybe LDR Brachytherapy and A.S. I had HOLEP 12 years ago, and will have to be assessed for LDR Brachytherapy.
My stats.
Gleason 3 + 4 ie 90% of 3 and 10% of 4
Grade 2
T2c NO MO - The urologist said I was T2a but changed his mind and agreed T2c after I queried it.
MRI indicated a 14mm tumour on the left lower quadrant
Transperineal biopsy - 6 out of the 15 cores had PCa. 3 out of the 6 cores were on the left side and were 1.3mm, 5 mm, and 9 mm. 1 out of 6 cores was on the left 3+3 and 1 mm.
Cells - Adenocarcinoma - micro acinar
No cribriform features
No evidence of EPE or Perineural Invasion
DRE - normal
PSA was 13.1 in July 2023, then 13.37 in September, and 14.32 in November - a velocity increase of 1.22 over 4 months.
Prostate volume 36cc on MRI
Prostate density at MRI 0.39