As the resuly of my rising PSA of 7.3 , I have been on Dutasteride for 4 yars for BPH , I proceeded to have a Tesla 3.0 Prostate MRI which showed an increased T2 Signal plus a PI - RADS 5 . highly suspicious of cancer . Following a 5 Core Transperineal MRII Fusion Biopsy ( All cores in the target area ) my pathology results came back " NEGATIVE " . A time for joy - HELL NO . This result was in conflict with thhe MRI report . Yes I know the report could be correct in a limited number of cases , but a very low percentage .
Three months later , " I " requested a 2nd Biopsy with more cores . In preparation , I had a 2nd MRI , this time with & without contrast . The 2nd Biopsy was performed , this time 6 cores in the target area and 10 in other areas of the gland .
The Pathology report came back : ALL 6 CORES IN THE TARGET AREA , Gleason 3 + 3 = 6 .The other cores were negative .
Once again , not being satisfied and thinking they may have missed some Gleason 7 or undervalued the G6 . I requested a 2nd Opinion of the G6 pathology report .
Surprise , surprise . The report came back ALL 6 Cores in the target area were upgraded to Gleason 3 + 4 = 7 . The remaining cores were all negative . My 1st negativee report and my 2nd Gleason 3 + 3 = 6 report were performed by reputable pathologists , experienced in readiing "High Volume PROSTATE BIOPSIES " .
The upgrading of my G6 to G7 was performed by the Head of Pathology at a major Toronto , Canada Hospital .
Who to believe ? Take your pick -- Negative , Gleason 6 or Finally Gleason 7 . Put them in a hat and draw one out . 🙂🙂🙂👍
I am making my treatment decision , at this juncture on Gleason 7 . Active surveillance for 6 months with a PSA every 3 months , plus an another " Contrast MRI " 6 months after the last one which was May 2024 . Additionally , in the meantime I am looking at potential treatment options -- Fical Theerapy , Monotherapy HDR Brachytherapy etc . -- I am 84 + years old annd in good health otherwise .
What do the say " You will die WITH cancer NOT FROM IT --- My response , Utter BS .