My prostate has been bleeding for the past 5 months. It wasn't a real problem until I started passing sizeable clots and had difficulty starting my flow. Urologist has suggested TURP or radiation after cystoscopy. He highly recommended TURP. Anyone else have this wonderful experience?
Bleeding Prostate: My prostate has been... - Advanced Prostate...
Bleeding Prostate

Are you sure the blood is from the prostate? It could be from the bladder. Your urologist needs to do a cystoscopy to be sure of the source of the problem. P
Get the TURP. It's an easy procedure. You may have to ware a Foley catheter for a few days.
Honestly, my biggest fear is coming out of the TURP incontinent for the rest of my life. They said 2-3 days with the catheter.
I had two TURP surgeries for BPH symptoms in 2022 before being diagnosed with prostate cancer.
I don’t have any incontinence now, but if I recall correctly there might have been a small issue with it for a month or so if I didn’t respond to the urge to urinate quickly enough. Never more than a leaked drop or two.
Again, no long term incontinence.
ChatGPT says: Incontinence after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) surgery is a recognized complication but is not exceedingly common…while urinary incontinence is a possible outcome of TURP surgery, the majority of patients do not experience long-term issues with bladder control. For those who do experience incontinence, it is generally expected to improve and potentially resolve within months following the surgery.
I think a TURP is not likely to cause incontinence.There are two sphincters controlling urine, one at the bladder and one at the start of the prostate. If the prostate is the area that it roto rooted it would not likely extend to either sphincter. And you have two so what is the chance of destroying both of them
I peed more or less pure thick blood for a good while, due to a bladder operation and radiation damage. The first time I went to the ER and had to wait 16 hours before getting any help (there was a major accident in the city at the same time occupying all doctors). The bathroom at the ER looked like something out of a horror movie after I’d been there. Scary as hell. The issue resolved itself after a few months.
Cancer causes blood clots.
I read your profile and see that you had not had radiation. So I would not be as concerned about a TURP as I would be if you had been irradiated. If you have any other reasons to suspect the ability of your urethra to heal I would avoid a TURP. Why are you bleeding, has that been determined? If you have a compromised ability to heal a TURP will be a lot of healing.
The first urologist I went to did a cystoscopy. He told me that "sometimes they just bleed." He had no follow-up plan for me.
Contacted my MO and got a couple of names for urologists that specialize in oncology. Feel like I'm on the right path.
I had a TURP 4 days ago. I finished 43 sessions of IMRT 13 months ago. Urologist was not overly concerned that prostate had been irradiated. RO also approved of TURP after a 1 year healing period post radiation. He said that it would take a little longer to heal but I wouldn’t notice. Urine is a bit pink, but that can be expected under “normal” TURPs. I do appreciate my new “fire hose” stream.
Since you are expelling clots, it is critical that you act very soon or risk your bladder and being forced to get an emergency catheter and foley bag. Those of us living with radiation damaged bladders know the pain of a clogged bladder and the cleanup required when the clogged bladder suddenly releases. Deal with this before it gets worse. Since you did not indicate radiation as cause, I agree with those who suggest cancer as a possibility. Good luck.
I know it goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. A Good Urologist is necessary!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/29/2023 12:57 PM EST
I had a TURP. It wasn't that bad. Overnight stay in the hospital. They pulled the cather out the next day. I should have left it in a day or two more. It burns a couple days when peeing. Perfect flow after that. Don't wait, I did damage to my kidneys waiting to long.