I wasn't sure if I should post this, we read so many sad stories and hear of heartbreaking losses, today we've lost another brother.
I wanted to try to encourage some of you who have recently joined this esteemed club, that nobody really wants to belong too, fortunately it's free.
10 years ago on the 9th of October, I was told that I had prostate cancer, they left the biopsy until the new year, to find out that it had gone beyond the prostate and into a lymph node. What the hell did that mean ? P.S.A. 150 and climbing.
It turned out to an aggressive SOB and everytime we thought that we had it nailed, the damn thing came back ππ.
I remember looking at my wife and thinking that I don't want to leave you, my daughters and my grandsons and our beautiful Border Collie Beau, he was only 8 months old.
Yep, there have been times mainly due to the secondary effects of these drugs, ( those that nobody but us know about ) when I've felt like I might die, feeling that lousy that I just could not function and wondering when I sucumbed to that extreme fatigue, if I would actually wake up again. I remember forcing myself up off the bed just to get downstairs to fight this beast.
But I did and still am you lucky people and here I am, just to spite my lovely generous father in law π€ͺ.
Over the period of time and through various courses of treatments, I've been able to gradually build back some stammina, although if I stand sideways and stick out my tongue, I look like a zipper and I might even lose my balance and topple.
I've seen the strain on my wife over the years, due to the uncertainty, but she has alway's there to help me, never take your wife for granted.
Now guess what ! I'm 67 in November, they even thought that I was worth investing some money in and gave me a replacement knee, after 5 weeks I'm walking unaided, because I'm so mean I want to use it before the guarantee runs out....................................... I'm not sure if it's a lifetime one π€
This "hidden disease", that people think because you are still here, you must have been "cured ", can and will hit you physically hard, but we stay mentally awake, to fight back. I know that I haven't been hit as hard as some guy's here, but the train is still running, so who knows.
I wish you all well with your personal battle against this beast, seize the day and grab it with both hands, the day's will become weeks and the weeks become months and then come the years.
I'll shut up now π₯±