I'm progressing well on Triplet Therapy coming up 12 months after Chemo and comparing myself to my brothers situation. He doesn't belong on this advanced prostate group but I hope his cancer does not advance to the point that he does!
Biochemical failure following radical prostatectomy in July 2019 for a pT2 N0 ISUP grade group 2, Gleason 3 + 4 = 7 adenocarcinoma of the prostate. iPSA 7.9.
Histology showing 10 mm dominant nodule, organ confined disease, positive margin at the right apex and distal anterior with no LVI, no ECE, seminal vesicle or bladder neck involvement. Initial PSA undetectable. First detectable PSA February 2022 at 0.11. Most recent PSA August 2023, PSA 0.28.
PSMA scan in 2023 showing no evidence of metastatic disease but some changes in the ribs suggestive of fibrous dysplasia and MRI prostate bed July 2023 showing no evidence of local recurrence.
Outcome: For postoperative radiotherapy to the prostate bed alone with 52.5 to 55 Gy in 20 fractions.
There has been discussion around ADT but no recommendation to do so. Is this a case of seeing if the RT produces undetectable PSA and, if so, doing nothing further until another reoccurrence at which time ADT will commence? Is this consistant with standard of care?