QOL - Changes in Attitudes - If we co... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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QOL - Changes in Attitudes - If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane...

Carlosbach profile image
138 Replies

Here are a few things I’ve said lately that I never thought would ever come out of my mouth:

1. No smartass! I don’t shave my legs

2. Could I get some help lifting this bag of cat food?

3. Hello Amazon, my subscription shipment of Depends is late and I need them STAT

4. What size of sports bra do you think I need?

5. Sure doc, I’d love to stick a needle in my penis in order to have sex

6. These hot flashes are killing me

7. Honey, do you want to watch “Pride and Prejudice” with me?

8. Hey weirdo, my eyes are up here

9. My thumb is now bigger than my penis

10. I want that last piece of cake, and damn it, if I have to I’m playing the cancer card.

What unusal thought have you had or what strange things have you heard yourself say?

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Carlosbach profile image
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138 Replies
Carlosbach profile image

I thought I liked macabre humor, but damn man! That's a hell of a handle that you chose

in reply toCarlosbach

Speaking of handles. Is yours Wendy or Walter?

And I use all of these statements.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to

sorry Terminal, I didn't follow your "handle" comment, but I'm glad that the post hit home

in reply toCarlosbach

I read Carlosbach as in

Walter Carlos who performed Switched on Bach. Walter went on to become Wendy.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to

Sneaky good. Too sharp for my adt brain

Adlon57 profile image

What size of incontinence pads do I need?

Had to give up my pornhub website, no action down there!

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toAdlon57

For me the size of pad depends on how much tea I drink

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply toCarlosbach

My daily exercise is how many times running upstairs to the loo!

Try and see how many dishes I can wash before going to......😱

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toAdlon57

Funny. And I think you just added to the list.

- honey, did I load the dishwasher right this time?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply toCarlosbach

Doh! I'm an old fashioned codger never used one of those dishwater things in my life🤭

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toAdlon57

You might find that one could come in handy. For instance, say you are loading the dishwasher and you need have to pee, the sink is open.,,

Just saying

mrscruffy profile image

I got pulled over for speeding again (105) told the wife I was going to pull the cancer card because I still had med bracelet on. Before I could say anything I realized it was a former student. She gave me a big hug and sent me on my way. So haven't pulled the card yet.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply tomrscruffy

Good story. You gotta love it when things work out like that.

Did you also have to give up your man card to get the cancer card?

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply toCarlosbach

I did not, my female friends call me a neutered pit bull. My bark is much worse than my bite

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply tomrscruffy

I’d work that

Time to roll over and have them rub your belly

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply toCarlosbach

Ya they would probably punch me in my little nuts. Tough crowd

FourString profile image
FourString in reply tomrscruffy


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toFourString

That's what I thought as well, but my new self was too sensitive to risk hurting Scruff's feelings

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply toCarlosbach

Well there is something tiny down there. Hahaha

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply tomrscruffy

Yeah, when you first responded about them punching you in the nuts, my first thought was how could they find something so small, and then I went to, "talk about adding injury to insult!"

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCarlosbach


DFL208 profile image

So accurate it hurts!

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toDFL208

I feel your pain, but only after my meds wear off

DFL208 profile image
DFL208 in reply toCarlosbach

I ran out of Depends on vacation in London. Finding Depends in Westminster was quite an adventure. Waitrose saved the day.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toDFL208

Sounds like an ordeal.

Thankfully I am not currently using them. I ran out during the pandemic and had to buy a cheap brand. I was chafed for days after wearing just one of them

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply toCarlosbach

Yes the plastic from those things ruff as sandpaper, scratching around that area, not the best "area" to scratch either?🙄

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toAdlon57

I know, wheres the bamboo wovens? Even softer than Charmin

Adlon57 profile image

I was talking to my neighbour, suddenly her daughter, I've known her since she was born, gave me a big hug, I said "What was...." suddenly looking at my neighbour who knows about my condition.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toAdlon57

That’s very sweet

tango65 profile image

I liked all of them but the best for me is # 9.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply totango65

Good, I’m glad now that I went with thumb, and didn’t go with big toe

Carlosbach profile image

I think the Reaper dropped in for dinner once, but I had ducked out to pick up dessert


wow, my bike seat doesn’t hurt anymore.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to

Great, now you don’t have to stand to pedal

And, you get to sit to pee

in reply toCarlosbach

Get to?

Have to!!🥸

I’m the past

My RALP surgeon would always walk into the room and ask.

“ how’s your stream”?

I replied hasn’t been this good since we did distance contests in the 5th grade!!!

Gearhead profile image

11. I carried two bags of groceries in, so I'll have to rest for a while now.

12. My belly button is now an innie.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toGearhead

Whew, I got winded just reading #11

13. My penis is now an innie

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCarlosbach

Omg …… hysterical

Derf4223 profile image

14. (In a store that says no bathrooms) I need to pee now. Point where I should go. ... Oops.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply toDerf4223

In the main street, I need to pee, paic...aw forget it!😤🙄🥶

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toDerf4223

The age old equivocating answer applies here, "It Depends"

in reply toCarlosbach

Do you wear Pampers or Huggies....................Depends

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to


Kaliber profile image

dang funny - great camaraderie oriented post buddy.


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toKaliber

Thanks K. I remember that in writing class they said write what you know, anymore this is what I know.

For you tough old bastards...

Me in the grocery store, "Has anybody seen my mobility scooter? I can’t remember where I parked it"

The pimply faced bag boy, "Mr, you are sitting on one, is that yours?"

Me, "Hrmph, I knew that!"

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCarlosbach

ok ok this is creepy …. The hammer and I we’re just talking about supermarkets ( A-N market ). ….. pretty much laughing ( laugh factory delta 8 involved ) about the same thing. Glasses on forehead, I forgot why I drove up here now … call hammer back, I forgot my list, …stuff like that.


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toKaliber

I think you've already told me that one...

No, that is ironic, except I think we are all having those moments. I frigg'n have to write down things that I have done for 50 years, like take the garbage out on Tuesday for pickup on Wednesday. And I forgot to do so last week. All without the benefit of delta 8, just adt

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCarlosbach

Wednesday is our garbage day too . Lol

Yea same here buddy. My memory , near term, gets worse as time passes, standard ADT. No fooling around worse, but serious ‘ oh oh “ kinda loss yayay yay. Considering the damage ADT does, at least memory doesn’t hurt. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.


Derf4223 profile image
Derf4223 in reply toKaliber

There may be supps that can help memory along with some other things. Nothing fancy for this lad -- creatine 10 gm morning and evening, HMB 1 gm three times a day.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toDerf4223

I buy those but forget where I put them or I forget to take them. Yayahahaha yayahahaha


Tinuriel profile image
Tinuriel in reply toKaliber

My husband needed to show his driver's licence at airport security. Couldn't find it. In the end they accepted photos of it saved on his phone and let him through. Just on the other side his realized - it was in a sleeve for it stuck on the back of his phone.

This is nothing new with him, and I called him my absentminded professor long before ADT. It's just worse now.😜

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toTinuriel

I can definitely identify. The other day I drove to a nearby town to pick up some supplies. I've learned to always make a list, so I did and was sure I had the list with me when I left. I drove to the store, checked for my list before getting out of the car, and when I couldn't find it I tore the car apart looking for it. I called my wife and asked her to look for the list at home. Nothing. Tried to shop for my supplies, but I was flustered so I gave up and went home.

Later on I discovered that the list was in my other shirt pocket @#$%^&*!!!

chickgreen profile image

4 and 8 really resonate with me

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply tochickgreen

No need to ask why, but at least it wasn't #9

chickgreen profile image
chickgreen in reply toCarlosbach

If I could see my penis past my stomach, I would be tempted to test #9

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply tochickgreen

I get you. I just estimated. Mine must be a little larger than a thimble because I'm no longer peeing down the front of my balls.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toCarlosbach

Omg …..” that’s “ both funny and the dang truth too.


j-o-h-n profile image

So who's the wiseass who keeps shifting the bumping furniture around?

Now let's see if I can remember?


fuck it,,,,I'll look it up on google................

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 09/03/2023 6:16 PM DST

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toj-o-h-n

A common complaint for Roombas as well

Lettuce231 profile image

Great Post Carlos, I burst into tears watching and listening to Cat Stevens, sing Father and Son, I've taken out shares in Kleenex 🤫

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toLettuce231

Couple that with some Harry Chapin and Cats in the Cradle and blubber away (I did)

Lettuce231 profile image
Lettuce231 in reply toCarlosbach

Keep smiling through the tears 😢 😂

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toLettuce231

Still smiling Lettuce. Actually having a pretty gol'durn good time most days

Lettuce231 profile image
Lettuce231 in reply toCarlosbach

Thats great news ! Stay that way, I intend to. 👍

JJUl profile image

Husband was on several occasions expected to do a void test after becoming incontinent !!!! I can still remember his comment to them about comparing himself to a bucket with a hole in it.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toJJUl

I was seeing the urologist because I couldn't void. I told the Dr., before you start messing around down there, I really tried to void, but I know that my bladders not empty. He said, oh, don't worry, we're set up to handle that here.

The very nice nurse shot him a look that should have killed him. I'm sure that she was thinking, "If this guy pees all over, you are going onto your next appointment, and I'm gonna be stuck here cleaning up this mess!!!"

Ianrs profile image

I tell people that I no longer have much of a penis...rather a medium sized clitoris

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toIanrs

Now, if it only had the sensitivity of a clitoris...

Timberjack69 profile image

I pissed myself reading that, but that's another story. 🤣🤣🤣

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toTimberjack69


Derf4223 profile image

#4 needs fixin. What size _maternity_ bra do I need?

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toDerf4223

Is Derf a pseudonym for Jane Mansfield?

1,2,& 9

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to

All to true for me as well

dixiedad profile image

After my first ADT injection my wife said "How do you feel?"

"I have this urge to get a pedicure and go shopping. I guess you now have a husband AND a girl friend."

Cracked her up.

And I'm still here.


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply todixiedad

That's good. I wish I had come up with it DD.

Hope you two have some good pillow fights at your sleep-overs.

lemonade from lemons =

My bilateral Orchiectomy was the fastest 10 pound weight loss in my life.

100 mile bike rides are more comfortable

The Pathologist was happy to confirm that *10 pounds of balls CAN fit in a 5 pound sack*

If I ever become incontinent I'll just become a NUDIST. No Depends to buy and never get lost 'cause I'll have a trail leading back to where I started

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toaddicted2cycling

Now I know how my wife tracks me so easily

MechD profile image

Carlosbach, I can relate to #7 and have actually heard myself say “Hey honey, let’s watch a Hallmark channel movie” and then of course teared up when the couple got back together.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toMechD

I know, I used to love Lonesome Dove, but now I see it as a tearjerker. I mean when Captain Calls hand shakes as he pours a drink next to Gus' death bed. Excuse me, I think I have something in my eye...

MechD profile image
MechD in reply toCarlosbach

Thank you brother for bringing laughter into our day!

dixiedad profile image
dixiedad in reply toCarlosbach

Hell, I cried when I heard Jimmy Buffett was dead.


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply todixiedad

me too, but I’m convinced he just left us to go Back to the Islands

in reply toCarlosbach

Now I understand why my wife cried when Ryan O'Neals fatherin Love Story says: Love means never having to say you're sorry

Join the club Carlos . We never thought when we were 21 years old that we’d be wearing diapers again. It sucks, but what’s your alternative?

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to

Not ready to adopt Addicted2Cycling's suggestion of becoming a nudist (no one wants to see that), so diapers it is

in reply toCarlosbach


dixiedad profile image

You mean 'blouses', right?

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply todixiedad

Might as well. I certainly had some shirts in the 70’s that would qualify as a blouse

StillDancing profile image

🎶 MAN, I feel like a woman!!🎶👅

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toStillDancing

Thanks for killing off any libido I might have had left - once and for all

Damn porch pirates struck again, I hope they enjoy the leak pads I ordered from Amazon.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to

Hope your shower is functional

PC-22 profile image

During the premier of the Barbie movie, GMA kept playing that stupid jingle. And I just couldn’t get it out my head. Then my wife walk up behind me as I was buttering my toast and caught me singing “I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world”. We laughed so hard together I think she Pee’d her pants. 😂

Carlosbach profile image

That's hilarious PC-22.

The best part may be that it wasn't you who pee'd their pants

Derf4223 profile image

Wearing dresses never made so much sense.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toDerf4223

We’re all entitled to our own opinion. My newly hairless legs look pretty good in a summer frock

K-xo profile image

1 Who is questioning if you groom your legs? Who?

2 help lifting the cat food? What’s the other name for a cat?

3 ya may wanna consider a prime membership

4 a sports bra will not provide support, or a lift. May I suggest a push-up instead?

5 LOL betcha your wife secretly enjoys knowing this.

6 & 8 Welcome to the ladies club

7. A chick flick for a slick chick. (hehe)

9 Um I wonder how many men here are busy checking their thumb 🤔

10 If you avoid cake, ya may be able to eliminate #4.

Thanks for the much needed laughs, CB! Sry I’m late w/ reply. As you well know, great distraction for me & the hubs. Xo

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

1 Who is questioning if you groom your legs? Who?

My hairy a** brother-in-law that’s who. For one, his hairy Neanderthalic legs could use less testosterone.

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Lol! Tell sasquatch (your BIL) I got your back. ✌️

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

That’ll back off the enormous browed brute

Carlosbach profile image

A, you can’t be late to the party when you are the party

Talk about a slew of one liners. J-O-H-N will be jealous

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Thanks for the compliment, CB! I’ll pay you the $20 later.

Speaking of J-O-H-N…Where is he? J-O-H-N!!!

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply toK-xo

from days ago ---

"So who's the wiseass who keeps shifting the bumping furniture around?

Now let's see if I can remember?


fuck it,,,,I'll look it up on google................

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 09/03/2023 6:16 PM DST "

Carlosbach profile image

2. help lifting the cat food? What’s the other name for a cat?

I don’t need any help (except for that needle I referenced above) with that other kitty

Who said that I did? She’s obviously lying

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Lol! I knew I could count on you for a good come back for #2, sicko. Um kitty wasn’t the other word I was referring to. Just sayin

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

I was all over that

Carlosbach profile image

3 ya may wanna consider a prime membership

Amazon’s chat bot told me that I was no longer eligible for Membership. Apparently the word is out that I’m way past my prime

(Sorry for the pun, it was just too easy, I’ll try to do better)

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

LOL yeah I gave you that one.

Carlosbach profile image

out of modesty I’m trying to flatten my Mae West like figure, not enhance it

Wrapping ace bandages tightly around my chest takes time, and the clips can really gouge my thin prednisone skin

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Aha, Bandages! That’s a good one. Always thinking , CB!

But, If that fails, just work with what ya got.

Carlosbach profile image

5 LOL betcha your wife secretly enjoys knowing this

It’s no secret, I think she’s told all of her friends and sisters. I do think that this information embarrasses my nieces…

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Haha. Already love your wife. You go, girl!

Carlosbach profile image

9 Um I wonder how many men here are busy checking their thumb 🤔

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toCarlosbach

Seems like I might have missed the mark here. Turns out most of our comrades must have ginormous thumbs (wink, wink)

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toCarlosbach

I’m sure that they are not exaggerating about the size of their equipment

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

No comment, but I’m biting my tongue on this one. I reminded myself this is a public forum, so I’ll behave.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

Like that’s gonna happen

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Lol My hubs laughed at this one. But, I’ll prove to both of you I’ve got self-control.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toCarlosbach

10 If you avoid cake, ya may be able to eliminate #4.

Avoiding cake would be an extreme response. Turns out, breaking down in tears worked just as well

Carlosbach profile image

hope you and K get some enjoyment from the post and subsequent banter. Thanks for playing

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

We are! Thanks for the humor and laughs. We def needed them! Would I ruin the vibe if I said, F-cancer!?!

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

DITTO to Fuck cancer from all of us

Carlosbach profile image

6 & 8, too poignant for a smart assed reply, even for someone as irreverent as me

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Lol pls refer to my 2nd part of #2.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

Just figured out what’s going on with my BIL. He’s never glanced at my chest, obviously he’s a legs man

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Haha Get em, CB!

Carlosbach profile image

#7, don’t you just love Mr. Darcy in the first movie. I much prefer that version

K-xo profile image
K-xo in reply toCarlosbach

Too girly for even me hehe🤸🏻‍♀️

Thanks again, CB! You’re the best!


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toK-xo

Hope things start turning around for the 2 of you. Give K my best

Derf4223 profile image

"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane..." Too late, and yes we can do/be both.

Boywonder56 profile image

An answer to a number of questions regarding unhealthy choices.......whats it gonna do ...give me cancer.......😂

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toBoywonder56

Turns out, it did

Adlon57 profile image

I almost like women sports commentators🙄

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toAdlon57

I don't watch much TV anymore, but when I do I'm so busy with HGTV, the Halmark channel, and binging old seasons of Project Runway, that I don't watch much sports anymore

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply toCarlosbach

You are not missing much bleh! bleh! bleh!🤬🤫

anonymoose2 profile image

This adventure has brought me a better understanding of Transgender individuals.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply toanonymoose2

WOW! Awesome moose. I hope that this understanding a gift of tolerance and compasion

What a difficult life it must be for trans folks. More challenges than I feel cut out to understand, but I too now have an inkling of their struggles

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