y’all can call BS if you want to but things started working again when I stopped acting like a guy. Seriously.!! I started focusing on emotional love for my wife instead of worrying about my performance and guess what. I no longer have to jab the little guy with a needle. It only took about 10 years so be patient. I think our partners would agree , we are more than our penis
ADT killing your love life? Embrace y... - Advanced Prostate...
ADT killing your love life? Embrace your feminine side!!

I embraced the feminine side but my wife made me stop. Said I was stretching out her clothes. Just say’in 😂😂😂
Lol, lost a lot of muscle mass with 8 years on ADT
Fight on, Dress up On
Lol, I think that was on a weekend and we did laundry and I took her Sundress out and put it on!!!
uh ….huh …. But : let’s see those gams with fishnets, and 5” black patent leather stilettos. Just say’in 😂😂😂😂
And whip/handcuffs too?
If will if you will
Fight on, LOL on
low spark of high heeled boys , Stevie winwood. traffic …. The stones, especially ….. David Bowie in his Major Tom days … and the best of all times “ Rocky horror picture show “ yayahahahaya yayahahahaya great stuff ….
Love ya brother
Maybe I could forage around on that pile of old hard drives in “ the back of a secure closet “ and find a photo cache or something yayahahahaya. Not saying I have one of those …. But , you never know ….. yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.
I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Transexual, Transylvania, ha ha
Oh, what, forgot about Weird Al
Ok, Randy, do you choose your videos on how excellent the singers' dental work are? I think the Lola guy could use some of your magic.
Todd, thanks for the post.
My wife and I started courting (now there's an old fashioned word you don't hear any more, dagnabit!) and after falling back into love again, we started hooking up (the modern usage).
bragger …. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya you have my admiration. 💪❤️❤️
Yeah, I'm thinking about changing my handle to No1NarcisistSexMachine
yayahahahaya … wonder if you ever met Walter Mitty … just wondering 😂😂😂. Dunno what your “ medication “ regimen is right now , but sounds like I might want to change over to something you are taking, as well. I want some ( gestures with large vertical circular wave of the hand ) …. of all ” that “
Just say’in
As a man of science you should know that your initial hypothesis is flawed.
What you really need is for the Hammer to find out what the hell happened to my wife, or what she's taking. Since we got busy again, my wife won't take no for an answer. And of course I don't want to say no, just want to get it while I still can. Talk about a QOL boost😅
don’t I know it...
Your second paragraph leaves me with sooo many questions????
Almost as many as doc’s photo above
LoL, ask away😂
Firstly, are you really a size 2?
LOL, I dunno what size her sun dress is, but I know it's not a 2. Been scrawny my whole life, but now having Low T for 8 years has shrunken my muscles and the Southern area too😜
Now I just need to find a way to flip this into my dating lines, as I was a divorced single guy when I was Dx (and still am). Perhaps I need to find a woman that shares the views that dockam ’s wife has if leaning into our feminine side is the way. 😂

excellent post. Worthy of serious consideration.
Thanks Todd. Important for us to help get our priorities straight. Too often the emotional health we need to recover with APC is overlooked. Men have been too focused on masculinity and being a man being about their penis size and erections. Thanks for helping others appreciate the opportunity to grow some emotional maturity. Thank you for sharing.
ADT didn't turn me into a woman; it turned me into a thing, a pathetic, sobbing mass.
"we are more than our penis"
Mostly true, but I've known guys who were complete dicks. : ) Sorry, couldn't resist.
Giggled all the way through your post.
Adorable and funny posts🤣♥️
Coco 444 - Lupron 2
We are still going strong at15 months. You only loose it, if you don't use it...
I would respectfully disagree with you Todd. What they want from us most, is for us to be Men.
Lead, Take Charge, Make Things Happen and Protect them.
( I like those ) On this we agree.