any feed back about the befits of Pluvicto? Is it a miracle drug? Andy Taylor from Duran Duran cured after being palliative care? Many people sending me articles about it. Right now approved for castrate resistant pCA?
pluvicto?: any feed back about the... - Advanced Prostate...

Far from a miracle drug. Only 9% had a complete response, 42% had a positive response, and 58% had no response or a negative response (in about 10%). The median survival benefit is 4 months. The greatest opportunity is in using it earlier.
arre they finally using it earlier? it sure took a long time to even approve it in the USA. If I had been treated when I was first diagnosed it is possible that the micro mets would have been killed and i might be cancer free now instead of metastatic castrate resistant.
I was on a clinical trial with Pluvicto that started immediately after advanced stage diagnosis (Aug 2022). I got three of six planned treatments, but had to stop due to elevated pancreatic enzymes. I've also been on SoC with Zytiga and Lupron. PSA has been undetectable since May and scans show large scale reduction in mets.
Long term information for early Pluvicto isn't available yet.
I have no personal experience but a very good friend of mine in his 60's was given this and had terrible SEs. So much so he opted to end treatment after 3 months. Everyone is different but his experience will definitely be a factor when my husband is given this as an option for treatment. From what I've learned it doesn't cure and it only gives minimal improvement in OS in some cases.
so it’s more beneficial while castrate sensitive?
Yes, no miracle drug. Seems to have positive response for some, but have not seen good data on extended durability. I have had 4 infusions and remain on Lupron and Nubeqa.
My PSA was 68.37 before first infusion, 3 weeks after my 4th infusion PSA down to 9. I will have PSMA-PET/CT this coming Thursday and will test PSA again prior to 5th infusion. Side effects include taste and tongue issues and more fatigue than usual at times. Still doing 3 mile run daily and working full-time. The verdict is still out!!!!
Thanks for your response. My husband will soon start Pluvicto and I’ve been wondering about SE and whether there’s enough benefit to take it.
Good luck to your husband and you. I've had two doses of Pluvicto with the only side effect being occasional dry mouth. The Pluvicto has worked well so far. The scan after the second treatment indicated that the mets that express PMSA have noticeably decreased in size and there are no new mets
Re: efficacy of Pluvicto, I had 3 infusions and then paused because it was extremely effective as my PSA dropped 95% from 246 to 9.3 in 90 days. Doesn't work for all but is a therapy worth pursuing when all else fails. Twenty two yrs with PCa at 85 yrs. and been thru all therapies except RP. Best to all warriors!
Of what use is the PSMA scan once one is metastatic unless one will do Pluvicto?
Radiation therapy, surgery, RA223. You may also be involved in other trials using drugs, CAR-T, immunotherapy, gene therapy etc that look for proof of effect provided by PSMA scans.
So cancer is heterogenous, meaning not all the same. For most people PC cells have PSMA protein on the surface. But usually there are other PC cell that do not.
So an additional process that targets PC by other properties of PC, or the immediate PC environment might be used in conjunction with LU-177 (Pluvecto) to kill the non PSMA PC cells as well.
That could be the silver bullet for many.
But there are lots of people working on gene therapy using mRNA which has come onto the scene due to Covid. Interesting that the work with mRNA and cancer had been going on for years. Then this work was used to create vaccines for COVID. Which proved the approach and now the race in on using mRNA to cure disease after disease.
You can work a life time at something with the wrong tools and never get the results you wanted. But then have the right tools and achieve your goals in no time.
I believe we now have the right tools, and these tools are being made better on a daily basis. This will result in treatments and cure only imagined up until now.