I had prostate cancer and prostate removed late 2018, 6 months later had 35 rounds of radiation in prostate bed because PSA was rising. All was ok until October 2022 when I had a heart attack. Cardiologist put me on blood thinners and 3 weeks later I had severe hematuria and had to be hospitalized. Urologist did a Cystoscopy with fulgration and cardiologist put me on a different blood thinner. A month later I started bleeding again and urologist irrigated my bladder and sent me home with a catheter. My cardiologist took me off blood thinners and prescribed 1 baby aspirin a day. I started hyperbaric oxygen treatment and completed 40 rounds with no blood. I thought it worked but 2 days after my last treatment I started bleeding again and went to the ER and was admitted for a couple of days. I’m now at home and will resume hyperbaric oxygen treatment, but am really disappointed. My wife and I like to travel but I can’t feel comfortable being more than a hour away from the ER. I know I’m blessed but this has consumed my thinking and I struggle with being down. My urologist tells me this is life long and the best to hope for is to manage it, whatever that means.
bleeding after hyperbaric oxygen therapy - Advanced Prostate...
bleeding after hyperbaric oxygen therapy

hello J555. Our stories with the peeing clots and blood are very similar but no hyperbaric therapy for me. I have pulmonary hypertension and was turned back by the hospital that administers the therapy. It got pretty bad including a catheter for a couple weeks and 4 tri-cath flushes at the er. Two included overnight stays. My cardiologist took me off all my thinners too and things started to turn to the better. As time went on my bleeding started subsiding and today it’s an occasional thing. I have self catheters to use when things slow or plug from the clots leaving my bladder. Also had a syringe to do my own flush with saline water. Fast forward 2 years and things are much better. No more self catheter or flushes and very minimal bleeding . Try to never strain unless it’s getting blocked and try not to get constipated. Don’t hold your pee either I’ve pulled over and wizzed behind more dumpsters than I can remember to not hold it. Wide mouth tea bottles work great and you don’t even have to pull over. Any straining brings mine back. Be patient and drink lots of water.
Good luck!
Stay in the fight!!🥊🥊🥊🥊💪💪💪💪
Thank you Linebacker75! When I had my heart attack they said it was the Widowmaker. I had a stent put in and did the cardiac rehab. This bleeding is far worse than my heart attack was! the first blood thinner was Brilinta plus A baby aspirin. I bled like crazy so the cardiologist put me on plavix and a month later I started bleeding so he stopped that and put me on a baby aspirin. I started HBOT and didn’t bleed for 3 months then started bleeding last Wednesday. I’m out of the hospital now and quit my baby aspirin. I’m very incontinent since this began so that has been a challenge too. It’s so good to hear your story because I was beginning to feel hopeless.
Do you self cath with a two or three way? What size? The reason I ask is because my urologist gave me some size 16 catheters to use but they aren’t big enough to let the clots pass. My urologist said it was too risky to teach me to self catheter with the ones that have a balloon.
"I started hyperbaric oxygen treatment and completed 40 rounds with no blood. "
Can you discuss the hyperbaric oxygen treatment and the thinking that went behind it?
Was it your Doc's idea? Was it yours?
Any intended or unintended side effects or beneficial effects?
Was it covered by insurance? Did you need a Doctor's order? What did it cost?
Would you do it again?
Hi Cesanon, my doctor suggested it and I did some Googling and decided to give it a try. I read that the best results would be within 6 months of the onset of radiation cystitis, and I was probably 24-30 months from the onset. The side effects for me was a change in my vision which I’m told would go back to the way it was in 4-6 weeks. Every time you go in the chamber you have to clear your ears like you do in an airplane. I’m claustrophobic so that was the biggest hurdle. My insurance covers up to a certain amount. I was told my portion would be $150 per “dive” but I think it depends on your insurance. I’m not sure what the cost would be without insurance. I needed a doctors prescription.
You mean oxygen adversely affects your vision?
it’s the pressure. It’s like diving 35’ underwater
Please check nattokinase , Lumbrokinase , Serraptase
Do a search in this forum for them, then of course discuss with your doctors.
Where are you located and where are you being treated (all voluntary). You may need a different doctor. Maybe consider that.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/02/2023 7:39 PM DST
I’m located in San Antonio Texas and I’m getting HBOT at Christus Santa Rosa wound care. I’m open to suggestions for a good urologist.
I suggest you start a post by asking our members about a good urologist (and/or a good Medical Oncologist) in your area.
Asking here as merely a one line post will not get much attention. And I can't answer your needs even though I once was in San Tony......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 04/03/2023 7:46 PM DST