"High-Risk"recurrence was defined as men who have had primary therapy (prostatectomy or radiation) but have had rising PSA but no detectable (on bone scan/CT) metastases yet and T≥150 ng/dl, and:
• PSA doubling time ≤ 9 months, or
• PSA≥ 1 ng/ml post-prostatectomy, or
• PSA≥ nadir+2 ng/ml post-primary RT
Xtandi+ADT performed significantly better than ADT alone (+ placebo). Xtandi monotherapy performed significantly better than ADT alone. No comparison yet on Xtandi monotherapy vs Xtandi+ADT. Also improved time to PSA progression/castration-resistance and time to chemo. No data yet on overall survival.
Men achieving PSA≤ 0.2 ng/ml were given a vacation from therapy until PSA rose again. No QOL data yet.