Well good news bad news. I qualified for a cutting edge trial at Yale, unfortunately they won’t let me do it until I’m back on a SOC ADT drug for two months. I bit the bullet because I’m allowed to stay on the estrogen gel to control the hot flashes. I had my first firmagon shots Tuesday. Two needles in the abdomen. It’s now Thursday and it still feels like there are two sausages under my skin at those two spots. Soooo while I wait for my OC to eventually get back to me… I’m posting here to see if anyone else had a similar reaction…
Is it normal after receiving two firm... - Advanced Prostate...
Is it normal after receiving two firmagon shots in the abdomen for the injection areas to be hard?

Yes it is. If you develop allergic reaction go to the closest emergency department.
That is what I was told by my MO. Thanks God my cancer pain stopped in 7 to 8 day.
Injection site reactions diminish after the first 2 months.
In 2018, the first prostate cancer treatment consisted of two injections of Firmagon. Prior to that I could not sleep at night because of the pain, I was getting numbness in my legs, left or right depending of what I was doing(driving, walking etc.). I had to stop driving because of the pain. I had a lymph nod with cancer and a big tumor(overflow of the prostate cancer), which was sitting on my rectum as a 8x6x4 inches neoplasm! After the Firmagon injection, the pain disappeared for good within hours!!! and the tumor became a thickening on the rectum wall without having cancer activity in it based on 6-7 PET scans over the past 5 years. Obviously i went through treatment protocol with Zytiga, Taxotere, Radiation, Xtandi, now Jevtana.
Oh yes indeed...been taking the shots about 8 months now. For me, it usually takes from 4-7 days for the swelling to go away. Ice helps a good bit. The good news of course, is that you only have to get one shot now each month instead of the initial two.
I've have six-pack AB's for the first time in life! Coming up on two years on Firmagon and I have ripples and bumps on each side they give the shots. They get better but for me they never go away. Good Luck!
I was having the monthly Firmagon shots in the stomach also & the lumps & soreness remain for about 2 weeks. Now on zytiga which is a 3 monthly jab, bigger needle & more painful but only 3 months is worth it.
Even though this is a subcutaneous injection the trick is to raise your knees to relax your stomach muscles before being injected (preferably by an experienced nurse).