we sat down with the oncologist yesterday and she gave result of my PSA of the day....it was UP.
then I said...yes, but how about my Axumin PET Scan from two days before...?
She said, well....the spot on the pelvic bone has grown....these two lymph nodes have grown.....
and then she said, but it could have been worse...
so I said...
"so what you're telling me is my GOOD NEWS is that my BAD NEWS is not THAT bad."
She thought about it for a second...her assistant thought about it...and smiled and the oncologist replied. Yes. That's what I mean.
hmmm....today I'm thinking another way of saying it might have been...
"The good news is that the bad news could have been worse"
**actually the three growth areas were not Huge...and there was no spread...and the PSA is only up to back where it was the time before last... (5.2)....after dropping down to my excitement to 3.94 on the last test last month. But She believes since PSA is only going up up and away...and Scans are not improving....that the combo of Lupron and Xtandi and Xgeva....is not working. Xtandi will need to be changed to something else...
1. checking to see if the 3 areas can be radiated (I had radiation as first treatment to my prostate 6 years ago)
2. Chemo
3. Trials
the journey continues....and still feeling (except for Lupron fatigue and weakness) pretty great!
p.s. will be starting back on Fenben if I ever get it from back order.