Cannabis is legal in 21 states and Canada nowadays and generally available for cancer patients in most places. Most can drive to a location to get the raw material if need be.
The aim of this article is to use cannabis as a daily pill ( one or two ) you take that doesn’t make you high ( maybe a little ) but acts as a uplifting mind salve to improve your gloomy Debbie downer days. Remember the 60’s when the stones sang about “ run to the cupboard for mothers little helpers ( Valium ) “. Well this is along those lines. Similar to micro dosing. This is a how to with pictures.
1. The raw material, buy buds .. or shake .. or non beauty buds ( more affordable ) of a pure Sativa strain. Doesn’t matter which but should be pure …not 60/40 or Indica at all.
2. Break the buds up in to small pencil eraser or smaller pieces, discard the stems and connector branches …. Then line a cookie sheet with the bud material. Next preset your oven to 220 degrees Fahrenheit …. Put the cookie sheet in the oven for 40 minutes…. Then remove to cool off. This step is vital as it decarbs ( decarboxylation ) the buds changing all the tha Alkaloid into edible thc alkaloid.
3. Put the decarbed buds , a few at a time into the stainless steel kitchen, fine mesh, strainer ( see photo ) and “ rub “ - “ massage “ them thru the strainer suspended over a bowl . This step makes the buds into a fine flour. See photo for the plastic Xtandi bottle with the flour in it.
4. Encapsulating the material. Use a 00 size cap-m-quick ( or similar, there are many.. see photo ) …. and 00 size gel caps ( see photo ) . Spread your first layer and compress it with the tool. Then make a second fill that you do not compress, it’s a loose layer. 00 gel caps weigh around .115 to .125 grams empty. After you finish, your gel caps should weigh around .200 to .215 grams . That’s a total product weight in the neighborhood of 215 mg per cap….. about 100mg of bud. Remember that the goal here is to make a product that does NOT make you noticeably stoned. If your bud is too powerful, omit the compression fill step and just make the caps with a loose fill. Obviously if you have a bud with lower thc content, make the cap with compression tool 2 or 3 times. The final product will look like the capsules on the white paper towel.
notes: it takes a lot of bud to make a little flour, buying non beauty ( but still powerful ) buds or high grade shake will save you money. The final decarbed product is “ concentrated “ cannabis flour and exhibits the characteristics of all the bud that went into making it. It’s powerful stuff in a smaller space.if you get stoned or notice the high, cut back on the capsule fill ..if not enough, bud too low grade … then take two caps etc.
Short of the easy dosing and convenience of using capsules , you can weigh out .100 to .200 mg of decarbed product ( a microgram scale …see photo … is under $40 on Amazon ) into a 2 oz plastic disposable soufflé cup … put a dab of peanut butter on a spoon and crush it into the product in the cup until all the product is stuck into the peanut butter and simply eat it. It’s more work and more complicated in the long run … but you can premeasure cups of 100mg … 150mg … or 200 mg etc. and put a lid on them ( like gel shots ) and prepare them that way. It’s important to get a known measured amount to have equal doses every time.
hope this is useful … you can take one at night at bedtime and wake up refreshed and upbeat. Take one in the morning for a fresh morning and one near supper time for a smoother evening.
PLEASE NOTE : decarbed cannabis flour can take as long as one to three hours to take effect when eaten, eat it early or keep that in mind when using it later in the day.
Hope this is useful to my brothers out there and their adult families …distressed wives or adult children can benefit from this product as well
love ya guys