After chemo I was thinking that there will be another round of scans to see the effect of the chemo. None were offered. Should I ask for additional scans? I had a CT scan and an MRI when I was first diagnosed. Seems natural to compare the initial results with those from scans after the chemo. What is your experience?
What scans have you had after chemo? - Advanced Prostate...
What scans have you had after chemo?

I would certainly think so. I had bone scan and CTs prior to starting ADT (& then chemo). Just finished chemo last week and have same scans scheduled for early December.
Yes, follow up scans to monitor effectiveness of a course of treatment is essential for decision making. This is why we must each be our own best, and often most insistent advocate (the squeaky wheel effect). For sometimes busy physicians and practices might let some things fall through the cracks.
Whole body CT and bone scans used to be the standard monitoring scans. No longer. PSMA PET scans are the best in many cases and can be sensitive even when PSA is only around 0.25. Axumen and FDG or choline PET scans may be preferred for some. And MRI useful for monitoring specific known METS.
I am relieved that you wrote that you have scans scheduled for early December.
Thank you for your reply. Actually rsgdmd has a scan scheduled for December. My MO says they will consider scans at our next meeting in January. It will be about 6 months after the last infusion with docetaxel. Is that waiting too long? I am guessing in most cases after chemo PSA is rising slowly, but that's just a guess.
I had some scans, but simply for radiation targeting after chemo. My oncologist says no scans, except bone density, unless the counts rise. I'm happy to ride that train.
It was my husband who had chemo. We had to insist to get a Scan after Chemo. He had advanced prostrate cancer. Advise you do the same. We are 4 years down the road and he is on Prostrap injections. Not nice side effects but he is alive and kicking.
I had MRI, but they were for the radiation to be done, was incidental and showed the previous mets were no longer on scan.