Ok it’s been 1 month after my last chemo treatment. (docetaxel) I have the following side effects: weak arms, core, and legs, hard time breathing, tired, problems sleeping and skin itching. I suffered the the normal side effects of chemo for 6 rounds every 21 days. How long should I feel the effects of chemo. I seem to be in limbo now, not getting any better.
After chemo?: Ok it’s been 1 month... - Advanced Prostate...
After chemo?

You will get better . Start walking and enjoying life again. You will get better. From a long -term lung cancer and prostate cancer survivor, judg69
My husband is in exactly the same place as you - - one month post chemo. He is still very tired, with neuropathy in his feet. Drippy nose, of all things. Poor sleep. Ongoing skin problems. But it's getting better, day to day. Keep going.
Give it time. It will take months to not want to take a nap every afternoon. Please stay active, stay hydrated.
Best wishes!
It took me a while to completely recover. I had the constant tearing up and edema in my ankles and legs for more than a month after my last chemo. The problem with some of these side effects with chemo is that they are cumulative. I would agree with the others that say give it time. I think it took me more like two months after the last infusion to be back to normal.
Has chemo helped with your cancer?

Thanks. Good to know
I’m so sorry it’s been so difficult for you.. I finished my first treatment one week ago And suffered tremendously! Somewhat this is a treatment but also they burned my bladder during radiation so I had bladder Cystitis that caused excruciating pain‘.
I have decided to withdraw from chemotherapy treatments in hopes of entering into the LU – 177 trail at UCSF.. Last August we drove our RV all the way out there waited three weeks but the pharmaceutical company was unable to deliver the medicine. I am now first on the waiting list for the trial that requires chemotherapy first.. My understanding is if you were on unable to tolerate treatment or refuse it for neuropathy reasons you still qualify.
I didn't start improving until about a month after my last infusion, but then the improvement was rapid for several months. Exercise as much as you can, it really helps.
Eight months later I still have the occasional off day, but am back at work and ran a half marathon last month. Everybody responds differently but you can recover from chemo and return to a nearly normal life.
For me, coming down from the chemo was just as problematic. I finished mine in June and I still after-effects popping up. (The current one is some sort of throat swellling; hurts to swallow; seeing an E.N.T tomorrow. Hoping it's nothing major.)
Hang in there,= and Go Easy.
Day always follows the night.......... hang tough and you'll be fine.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/17/2019 10:50 PM EST