Just diagnosed in May, 2022 with potentially very aggressive PCa. Dechipher very high, 0.88. Uptake on PSMA PET heterogeneous.MO waiting until Nov. for CT and bone scan to confirm mets to pubic bone. Started ADT (3 mo. Eligard shot) on August 11, also I was sent to lab for PSA test and baseline testosterone level that day.
Unfortunately for me, I found out Sept.30 (7 weeks later) that the lab, despite a Drs. order, did not test my testosterone level on Aug.11 to establish a baseline. I did have it tested Sept. 30, it was 37.
I am very new to all this. How important is getting a baseline testosterone level at the start of ADT? My ADT therapy may last 2.5 years. My second ADT shot and testosterone level test is Nov.3.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.