up yo 0.1mg with not much relief. Anyone using more then that?
Estradoil and Hot Flashes: up yo... - Advanced Prostate...
Estradoil and Hot Flashes

I'm on transdermal patches. Two of the 0.1mg patches at the same time, so 0.2mg/day, patches changed twice weekly.
How are you dosing with Estradiol, and for what are you seeking relief?
simply trying to eliminate hot flashes
Ask your doc to measure your blood E2 level. It's frustrating when doctors don't look at an easily measured "response variable" from a treatment! Your doc should have a target level of E2, or else they're just shooting in the dark. Add externally-supplied E2 until that target level is reached. Pretty simple, really.
To protect bone density, I've read post-menopausal women (the typical market for estradiol patches) need a 50-60 pg/mL blood E2 level. This is to both protect bone density and to prevent osteoporosis. In fact, normal males have a blood estrogen (E1+E2) level of around 10-40 pg/mL.
To really feel one's best a number somewhat higher may be better.
Hi, recently started on 0.1% gel applied once per day. Initially there was no obvious response but now am 2 weeks into this and both intensity and frequency of the hot flushes seems to have reduced. I am not one for taking drugs that don't deliver as there is always a side-effect trade-off. So my initial reassessment will be at 30 days.
The plastic applicator that comes with the gel has a groove that indicates 1.5 mg of E2 per dose...not 0.1 mg. I normally apply a little less twice daily which gives me approximately 2 mg of E2 per day. When I first started using it I was only applying it once per day which wasn't lowering my T to castrate levels or decreasing my PSAs to undetectable levels. My PSAs have all been undetectable since 10/2018. This is the only thing that I am using/taking for 53 months now and have no PCa symptoms. I believe that it is the best form of ADT despite the little boobs.
I'm still in the trial study for LuPSMA177 at Dana Farber. Once completed, my regular MO said he would work with me on topical E2. Not sure if he intends to replace the Lupron shot with E2 or along with it. I've been on Lupron for about 3 years.
My onco just refused to even order an estradiol blood test. I'm on Orgovyx which has been working well, but I would like to address the hot flushes and protect my bones. He reiterated his disinterest in having anything to do with it and told me to discuss it with endocrinology when I see them for osteoporosis in early November. It's really frustrating that a doc at a major university health care operation (U of Wis, Madison) is so close-minded on this. Talked to an MO like a year ago and he had no knowledge of it or interest in pursuing it either.
Sorry to hear that. Perhaps try getting a new MO. Must be at least one who is willing to try . Good luck.
Scribbler 55, I learning about the patch, here, about a year ago. My Urologist knew about the patch and gave me a prescription for the twice a week .25 patch that I wanted. My Oncologist from Vanderbilt , admitted she new very little about Estradio, and her first thought was not good. I sent her an article and told her my hot flashes were gone and the brain fog was lifting. A few months later she thanked me and said she has put three others on the patch. The are also doing well. I am on vacation from ATD, but still on the small dose patch twice a week and it has worked very, very well. My PSA is .10, T is up to 51.7 and E2 is at 24. We test every month. My recent scan showed significant decrease in intensity with no new activity. At home, we play a lot of games and my wife and friends comment on how my cognitive skills have improved, as has my pool game. I just turned 85 and feel great. I read these posts everyday. Lots of very smart and helpful folks. I pray, god bless you all. Cheers William lopwillie
Thanks for the info. I dont think i ever had brain fog (turning 83 in a few months) but wicked hot flashes for 11 years. I am up to using .1 and my hot flashes are still bothersome. I'll give it a little more time to see if it improves. My MO was not in favor of the patches but agreed to help me along. He starte me on .025 which did not work. He moved me to .05 which also did not work and now up to .1 so he has been very helpful along the journey. Good luck. Joe