i recently started on extandi and orgovtx and am having frequent hot flashes. Does this improve over time
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hot flashes

you get used to it. Have a fan by bedside, preferably a ceiling fan. By a “cold pillow”
It does diminish over time. If intolerable, you can try aural acupuncture, estrogen patches, Megace, oxybutynin, or Effexor. Recently, Veozah was approved for menopausal women, but works great in men too, if you can get it.
For me they went away when I changed my gym routine to 5 days a week
It’s strictly anecdotal, but it’s my experience that less body fat and more exercise help bat them down considerably.
Also cold air if you have any available. When I had them occasionally I would nip them in the bud with a walk around the block in my T shirt. Fortunately it was winter.
I've been taking Black Cohosh capsules. A bottle is relatively cheap so it's worth a try. That's a tip I got from a woman who went through menopause. It's helped me immensely.
Does black cohosh raise estradiol levels?
I don't know what effect, if any, black cohosh has on estradiol levels. I am not on estradiol. I take black cohosh to cut down on hot flashes with Orgovyx and it has worked fine with that. Ask your doctors or do a web search for 'black cohosh estradiol' to see if you can find more information. Good luck.
Black Cohosh for sure.
After nearly 30 months of Xtandi I found hot flushes continued but always happened when I was under a little (often very little) stress E.g. being asked to make a coffee or tea for my wife. Solution seemed to be trying to do things without feeling I had to. Also I took advantage of the hot flushes in Winter by saving and keeping the heating turned down. In summer I blamed it on the sun and heat. If you don't worry about your hot flushes its a lot easier. Stopped Xtandi a month ago now due to progression and about to start Chemo. Flushes seem to have got worse probably due to concern about effects of chemo. At least it's mid winter here so benefitting by keeping heat even lower. My wife copes with the heating down as if she starts getting cold I tell her I'm sweating and that makes her sweat, ha ha!Good luck.
on extandi for 3 and half years had all that irritable legs, hot sweats , no energy, all gone now body got used to it feel good.
I am not on the same meds as you but GO BILLS!
Estrodial patches low dose seem to help. And exercise as much as possible.
it takes a while 😂. My daughter gave me a rechargeable portable fan to carry around with me. No 7 years later I have several 😂. Dress in lightweight cotton helps. I love tee shirts now. Lots of water so you stay hydrated and always carry a small kerchief to wipe down with. New norm
I’m also on both Xtandi and Orgovyx. I’ve found that heavy exercise on a very regular basis keeps the hot flashes away. Lots of large muscle group weight lifting plus moderate cardio on an elliptical.
Mine did, although I radically changed my diet/consumption six months in. Practically no hot flashes 5+ years later, not even mild ones.
Yes... I was placed on a low dose medication at 37.5 mg. Venlafaxine.. commencing with the start of Lupron.
Not hot flash one... I was told it helps with the side effects of Lupron...they were right... 6 months thus far...
Very odd. I usually have several hot flashes a day. Maybe it has something to do with our near perfect weather, but I just realized after seeing this post, I haven't had one in nearly a week.
You can try Norwegian Kelp which can be even be found on Amazon. It's worked for both myself and my menopausal wife. Only took about 3 days to rid us of those pesky hot flushes. I am not sure why it works, maybe its a iodine thing, maybe some other virtue but we had results and rapidly. And it is relatively fairly inexpensive.
I’ve been on it for 3 years and it has DEFINITELY gotten better. Several times a day dropped to 1-2 times lasting maybe 2-3 minutes each time. It’s really good in the winter as we keep the house pretty cool. In summer I notice it more but it’s no more often or longer in duration, just a little wetter. Night sweats are a weird animal. I know when it’s coming because I get cold just before it starts. Like a lot of guys I keep a fan beside the bed with a remote on the night table. Works for me.
I've been on enzalutamide for 5 months and have been lucky enough to not suffer any hot flashes. but I also did not on nubeqa or abiraterone. Good luck.
FWIW. Effexor was intolerable for my husband even at 37.5mg (many men have no trouble with it) They wouldn't prescribe Veozah. MO had him try Gabapentin...makes him a bit sleepy so takes it at night and is getting more restful sleep. Hot Flashes cut at least in half and severity of those tremendously diminished. And he's still on the minimum dose. What a QOL improvement.