went for my first treatment on Wednesday after seeing the scans of multiple spots in my liver and mass in bladder, sent message to my oncologist to start immediately,he had me set up for weds,not bad that day. Went to work Thursday but should have taken the 2 days after off, tiredness mainly. The oncologist checked on me on Friday and said I should have taken Thursday off, I had Friday off which was a good thing. My brother called and his bladder cancer came back and wanted off the earth, he is going into hospice due to his frail state, rough day. Hopefully these treatments will buy me more time before the next treatment of pluvicto when this treatment fails. Have to keep the body strong, it does take a little out of you, looking to retire from my part time job this fall,made 20 years with the company as a goal.
started capazitaxel this week - Advanced Prostate...
started capazitaxel this week

Thank you, I know he has not much time left.
That's a lot to deal with. I'm sorry.
Wishing you the best outcomes with your current treatments …. I hope your brother can be comfortable have have loved ones at his side. So sad.
I live an hour and half away but his friend who is like a daughter keeps track of things his real daughter disowned him and wants nothing to do with him, she has been written out of the will. I have not seen her in over 30 years and do not want to see her ever, he will leave a mess when he passes .
It’s often kinda a “ thing “ … I call it “ the vultures circling “ .. often when people of means ( or anyone, really ) start their final time of life, the estate vultures come out of the woodwork and start squabbling among themselves. My wife will succeed me and , fortunately, I won’t have to deal with any of that. Still you’ll probably want to keep an eye on things, just in case. BIG surprises wouldn’t be unusual. The death of loved ones, no matter the source, is never a good thing … my heart goes out to you and the family. His still being mobile and working seems like he has a bit of time ( maybe quite a bit ) left at the least. Just a distant observation .
My brother is 83, retired with numerous other health issues, I am the one still working a part time job until fall, at least that is the plan. They contacted the daughter and said she wanted nothing to do with him.
I have a daughter I haven’t seen since the week she graduated high school … decades ago. It happens, I just get on with life … I respect her choices as I would any stranger’s. Not my choice , whatever. Not what I would have wanted tho.
I wish you success with your treatments. My father lost this week his last remaining siblings - a sister and brother, both gone in 4 days.
I’m sorry. This is a lot to go through at the same time. May your cabazitaxel symptoms be mild. Best to your brother too.
I’m so sorry you are going through so much!!!
I hope the treatment is successful for you. I had to retire before I wanted to because of all the time, attention, and issues surrounding this illness. Hospice should be able to make your brother's remaining time as comfortable as possible. I hope so. God bless you both.
Best of luck to y