This has been a source of frustration for me which is why I changed my treating oncologist and radiation oncologist. Approximately 2 weeks ago I had a CT scan done with my old radiation oncologist in preparation for my first radiation treatment. I went to my first radiation treatment yesterday and they informed me that they wanted my bladder full and my rectum empty before the CT scan/treatment. I did as they suggested and the did the procedure. After it was over they informed me there was a problem. The prep CT scan, which they use for a base for treatment, showed a gas bubble with they said affects the dimensions and target areas. So now they want me to come in again and have another CT scan during my next treatment to re-establish a base. My frustration is this, if this is the procedure to establish a base, and since my previous radiation oncologist administers the same treatment, why didn't she inform me that I should have filled my bladder and emptied my rectum??? It is exactly situations like this that caused me to change doctors. Starting from now on they want me to take an enema, then fill my bladder before treatment. Has anybody else been required to do this for their radiation treatments?
1st radiation treatent: This has been a... - Advanced Prostate...
1st radiation treatent

I wasnt told to do any of that either when i had my rad done. Never heard of it till i saw some on this site talking about it.
Yes...I was told the same thing...and, the FIRST attempt at doing the CAT scan to set my parameters was unsuccessful because the rectum wasn't empty. My wife - a nurse practitioner helped me - as she put it - "increase the transit speed" with some Metamucil cookies, etc. Each day, I was able to "go" - defecate - at approximately 2 PM (still doing that, and I don't know why)- I left school at 3 PM, drove to Boise (25 miles) for treatment. Did NOT have to do an enema. A "full bladder" was easy to do, with some liquids on the way. My treatment center, MSTI (mountain states tumor center) uses Varian True Beam equipment, and which takes a Cat scan each day for alignment before treatment.
I only had to have a full bladder for SRT , but one time they couldn’t do a treatment until I walked around for awhile to pass gas! You just need to eat non gassy foods, but a fleet enema is no big deal.
My RO wanted me to have a full bladder and mostly empty rectum every day. He said if I had a bowel movement every day that was good enough, but did not want me getting remotely constipated. Consistency was key. I took Metamucil every evening which helped with regularity.
There is a new procedure where a gel like material is put between the prostate and other organs to prevent accidental radiation burns. You might Google it and ask your RO about it.
Many simple miscommunications arise that need never happen ..Now you know .. do it again .. People are over worked that help us... not all great orators .. Good luck on this scan ... And least they’re not painful..✌️
Bladder - yes. enema -no. But I was treated using a very fast linac (Truebeam with RapidArc).
yes, bladder very important to be full - this is why i opted for hormone-based chemo. don't want to risk anything being burned or damaged but i guess you researched all your options. my PSA = <0.1 so far. T = 400, ED at minimum now, QOL getting better. lots more drugs to try when bicalutamide fails. RT and RP absolute last resorts. Good luck and fight on, brother!
Tomotherapy. ( high intensity heliacal tomography) integrates the ct with treatment each day. This avoids the problems you are having with the other approach whatever it is. Msny different types of radiotherspy
Best regards and good thoughts
I use soluble fiber like generic Benefiber in water with breakfast. I found Metamucil products have fiber that keeps getting bigger and bigger the longer it is in you. When I finally pass it, it is the size of a baseball and hurts! Soluble fiber does not cause cramps and large bowel movements.