My husband's PSA was 99 on 14 June and he had first Docetaxel infusion on 17 June. On 4 July, his PSA is 216. Is this a flare to be expected? If yes, when might we see a decline? Thanks
Is this a PSA flare caused by chemo? - Advanced Prostate...
Is this a PSA flare caused by chemo?

It could be lots of dead cancer cells dumping PSA into the serum. Wait 3 weeks after next infusion.
Thank you. The MO said today that he will not worry unless there is no decrease at the third blood test after three weeks of the third chemo. The second chemo is on this Friday. The MO is not a details person. One of the studies you refer to here says 'The median survival of patients with PSA flare was 12.5 months, while that of the immediate PSA responders was 20.1 months (not statistically significant, P = 0.168, log-rank test).' This kind of thing does worry me even if it says that it is not statistically significant. There the median rise was 61% but in our case there is a little over doubling. I had not seen the second study about multiple chemo sessions. It seems to work for some patients very well. There is no point in us worrying over speculations but we did have the scary thought today that chemo might not work at all.
I am happy to read the 0.04 PSA. My husband has been easily very healthily and doing exercise. He did a long March for Men in two days of first chemo session to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK. So we will keep plugging away at this.
Thank goodness you're 4 years out......... we need good men like you....... keep posting!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/06/2022 7:46 PM DST