My prostate cancer has been largely unnoticed for the last three years other than bicalutamide daily. And frequent PSA monitoring. Then the PSA went from undetectable to 1.1. then, in another month, it's over 8. the bone scan shows 2 areas that are likely metastasis. The medical oncologist has ordered Relugolix ($875/month for a lifetime! we're negotiating that). The Radiology Oncologist ordered an Axumin PET scan. I haven't talked to Medicare about that one yet. I'll post updates. (please pray for us)
recurrence - the road is about to get... - Advanced Prostate...
recurrence - the road is about to get rocky again

I will pray for you and your family. It sounds like there are only a couple of spots outside the prostate, so radiation of them may be a good option. I hope they're able to get it under control quickly.
Relugolix are pills that are only covered by your drug plan, and are expensive. Shots like Lupron or Firmagon are given in your doctor's office and are covered by Medicare Part B. If you have a supplemental plan, it is fully covered.
On top of that, he may want to add abiraterone, which costs $187/mo. on GoodRx at RiteAid or give you a set of 6 docetaxel infusions, which are covered under Part B.
Let us know what the Axumin PET/CT shows.
You bet! I got a yesterday that the office was working on the paperwork for the manufacturer for no charge medication.
I am in the process of shopping around for a Medigap plan, and all the plans appear to show that Lupron has a monthly cost- as high as $550 in the "initial" phase. Am I misunderstanding the way the costs are calculated??
Lupron is covered completely by Part B and your Medigap plan. Injections given by doctors are not covered the way pills are (Part D).
not quite what you asked, but FYI- when I was first diagnosed, I was in a panic about high-dollar treatment. I got a policy that cost me about$350/month. I had it for 2 years and finally concluded that everything I had done would have been covered by my Medicare Advantage plan, with a reasonable co-pay. I'm back to a UnitedHealthcare advantage plan that suits my expenses well.. well, until this recent adventure😮...actually it's called a chronic complete HMO plan.
Some prescription drug makers will provide a considerable reduction. It requires that you have "commercial" or "private sector' health insurance. They won't do it if you're only on Medicare or Medicaid.
I am on Orgovyx for about three months can go to their website and they have a generous patient support can apply for financial assistance. Bottom line is if your Soc Security Statement shows you earning less than $73K a year you will get it for free.Ask your provider about this...they can advocate for you as well.
And...btw, Orgovyx has been very effective and relatively well tolerated...some transient hot flushes and some fatigue......but drops PSA and T in a hurry.
Good luck.
Thanks Nal, PSA has been tested frequently, I guess because the Medical Oncologist, the Radiation Oncologist and the Primary care doctor, all order it before a visit. After I get past this crisis, I should be able to monitor it at least monthly.Thanks again for responding.
Prayers for you on the way to the Maker...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/26/2022 11:26 PM DST
Hey John!Remember the TV show, The Jefferson's? Lately, I've been sorta' singing a part of their theme song - "headed on up to my de-lux apartment in the sky" My Sunday School class gets it. There are several octogenarians like me that remember the show. (just don't ask any of us what we had for breakfast)
How true......Remember that the de-lux apartment was after "moving on up, to the East side"......
Good Prayers to you.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/27/2022 1:47 PM DST
Naw doesn't say 'east side.' I refuse to accept that. Only a brain past its 'use by' date would accept that. Nope. My translation is Southern Baptist cannon. At least to me.
Geezamacripe, You got me humming that song now...... I can't stop.....THANKS ALOT PARTNER!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/27/2022 2:45 PM DST
OK, hum the lyrics to 'small world' once. Betcha' can't do just once. BTW, some of these lyrics could be my theme song after a couple of years of ADT.It's a world of laughter,
A world of tears.
It's a world of hopes,
And a world of fears.
There's so much that we share,
That it's time we're aware,
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all.
It's a small, small world.
Ok I give up!!! I'm starting to collect all my meds for that big day,,,,
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/27/2022 5:53 PM DST