I had a AMS800 AUS implant Jan 2022 and ever since I have experienced a sore scrotum which doesn't seem to be getting better. My GP cannot see anything unusual and seems to think in will get better over time. Has anyone experienced this situation after undergoing this procedure.
Sore Scrotum After AUS Surgery - Advanced Prostate...
Sore Scrotum After AUS Surgery

Is it a varicocele?
Yes. I had AUS in Jan 2021 my scrotum was a mess for months. Eventually got back to normal.If it persists, I would contact the surgeon that installed it GP's are normally not knowledgeable on that surgery at all!
I had an AUS installed in August 2020 and the discomfort took a long time to come right but it has been life changing after the incontinence I had post RP.Hang in there if you can otherwise talk to your surgeon.
I had a transobturator sling installed 12 months after RP which I had removed after 8 months because of the discomfort.
I have found the AUS gives far better control, in my view.
Good luck
Greetings cjgbsg, (come in Martian the coast is clear)...
Would you please be kind enough to tell us your bio. Age? Location? When Treatment(s)? Treatment center(s)? Scores Psa/Gleason? Medications? Doctor's name(s)?
ALL INFO IS VOLUNTARY, but it helps us help you and helps us too. When you respond, you might want to copy and paste it in your home page for your use and for other members’ reference.
Note: Answers are for your benefit, not mine.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 05/22/2022 7:12 PM DST
J-O-H-N. Picture? You're a real person. A damn good looking one. A cool dude. No wonder you have so many girlfriends.
hahahaha flattery will get you a dinner and drinks...... (and I'm 85 y.o.)
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 05/22/2022 7:30 PM DST
Sounds good to me. Except I thought your age was our secret lol.I had a customer at 140 Grand street. Found some good Italian sandwiches not far away. I'll let you off the hook for dinner.
The building had about 3 or so levels below street level and that where the printing presses were. Crazy service trips for me right smack dab in the middle of NYC to my unaccustomed eyes. A freight elevator and garbage on the sidewalk. Lots of it from the printing process.
(my system went down)
Someone had updated my bio to include my age (without my permission) so I figured anyone can see it.... so I decided to let people know anyway.
Okay for dinner..... I just looked at the building on google. It's in downtown Manhattan.... Where to meet?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 05/22/2022 9:54 PM DST
Well I have to regain some of my pre diagnosis and younger days health to get myself there ha.
And the customer moved to New Jersey about 10 years ago.
Yea it felt strange or special? to be in Manhattan with my blue collar clothes and my 70 pound tool box on wheels.
Im stranded out here in Minneapolis. Moved here a year and half ago from Chicago where we resided for 23 years.
I'm in the Big Apple and you're in the Minnie one..... I Guess You're blown to death in Chicago and frozen to death in Minnie-apple..... As they say 6 of 1 or half dozen of the other....(In NYC you're mugged to death)......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 05/22/2022 10:10 PM DST
I just saw this, how are you feeling? I hope it has gotten better and easier for you.
I got my AUS last November. My scrotum was sore all the time for months, but eventually all that pinching wore out the nerve endings. My dr. told me that would happen. I still have some pain, but that is probably my klutzy fingers grabbing the wrong thing.
Take care