I’m currently between Docetaxel infusion 4 and 5 and have a very painful area underneath the rear of my tongue. I also have a bit of pain in my ear canal. In reading about Docetaxel, I see that mouth sore spots are listed as a side effect. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, what did you do for relief? Thanks in advance. Jim
Docetaxel and Sore Tongue: I’m... - Advanced Prostate...
Docetaxel and Sore Tongue

when I get Docetaxel I get mouth sores pretty bad. My doctor prescribed magic mouthwash which works well for me. It is often compounded at the pharmacy and can vary. Mine is to be swished then swallowed which I was not used to
I received a private message and my friend stressed hydration, hydration, HYDRATION! I’ve increase my water intake significantly and it’s only been 12 hours….but the discomfort appears to be getting better.
I had all sorts of side effects like black tongue, sores, cracked nails , hair loss and I thought where will this end but then I realised it was in effect the chemo doing its job . Chemo in general is trying to kill “faster growing” cancer cells but it was explained to me that it kills fast growing cells in general ie hair, nails, even mouth (if you bite your tongue the healing process is fast ie the mouth grows fast). Once I had been told this I kind of embraced what docetaxl was doing for me . 10 years on , hair not back , nails crack a bit and neuropathy in tips of fingers but PSA 0.11 it’s been a long journey so far but I will take that , started with Docetaxel and now abiraterone . Hope this brings you some comfort.
Try sucking on ice chips during your remaining infusions. Keeping the mouth really cold slows blood flow in tongue, which minimizes exposure to chemo chemicals and lessens damage. My husband had no mouth sores.
I had the same thing, sore spots on my tongue, the lining of my mouth would peel, sense of taste was lacking. The only thing that helped was finishing the 6 rounds of chemo and allowing my mouth to heal. Hang tough, you’ll get through it.
Aphthous ulcers (cankers) can occur with Taxotere. The pain in your ear is likely referred pain from the lesion on the tongue. Deglycerized licorice help, especially if taken as soon as you note symptoms. Suck on a tablet every 4 hours or so. Hydration is key as well as avoiding sweets, some nuts. Diet sodas can help the pain as well.