It is over a year since my last Eligard shot and nine months into ADT break. Still I am getting intense hot flashes. Particularly, during the last few days. During the first three month of the break my Testosterone remained < 20. At six month point it was 28, and at nine month point it was 72 at the beginning of this month. Is it possible for testosterone vary during the day and get low enough to get hot flashes? I just wonder how many of the men on this board have the same experience as me.
Hot Flashes Long Time After Last ADT ... - Advanced Prostate...
Hot Flashes Long Time After Last ADT Shot

Me too.i still have hot flashes usually when i was sleeping.Stop lucrine for more than 1 year
Yes, Lupron is nasty stuff with many surprises. My last shot was in May 2019; 3 mo duration. I was still experiencing side effects in Fall 2020. By end of 2020, they were gone (but not forgotten. LOL)
Good luck to you.
What is your T now? If it was 72 at 9 months it may not be that much higher now. Or it might be. I would look for 200 or more to see relief from hot flashes if they have been substantial.
How much do you weigh, or more importantly how much of it is fat? Any other co morbidities? They interfere with T recovery, especially fat. How much do you exercise and what kind? Exercise enhances T recovery, especially resistance training. Being sedentary does the opposite.
It all depends how long you were actually on Hormone Therapy as it stays in your system with a lessening of the side effects over the next year or so. I was only on Hormone Therapy for 9 months and my oncologist said I could look for ward to being totally free of side effects about a year or so after the last injection - some are on for 2 or 3 years so I would imagine that the lessening of these side effects will
Take longer to get rid of
Seems that since your T has remained so low off ADT is why your still having Low T effects like Hot FlashesMine reduced and became less intense as my T rose, I been off for 8 months and my T is probably back to normal or very close. My hot flashes continued thru 4 months on steady rise in T, then a few barely noticeable ones out of nowwhere in 5th month.
I was on ADT for 2 years.
I feel pretty much normal today.
T does not vary during the day. Your T is recovering slowly, and so hot flashes can be expected. If it doesn't get back into a low-normal range, say 200, you may need to have it replaced.
My T recovered on schedule, but I was still having hot flashes 12 or 13 months after ADT, and about 7 months after my T had recovered. For me, his was by far the most "stubborn" SE.
Sorry you're going through this.
T may vary depending on when it is measured. It is usually highest in the morning. My T may never reach 200. Hot flush or not replacing T may make my cancer progress faster.
Morgenthaler calls 250 saturation Testosterone level. Anything more won't move the PSA dial. That's what he says.
What I meant is that tiny fluctuations in T during the course of a day are probably not what is causing your ongoing SEs (hot flashes).
Re: T replacement, what I've heard from doctors, and it makes sense to me, is that there is no difference between your body's regenerating its own T and having T replaced from an external source.
Seems like your T is slow in recovering. Are you working out? Building up some muscle might help. It sure wouldn't hurt.

I try to keep as active as possible.
There is no point in being off ADT if testosterone does not recover to normal. Typically it can take a year or, for many, it never comes back. That is a situation that calls for supplemental testosterone replacement. Trouble is while many doctors are happy to see T recovery, many will not prescribe it when appropriate in PC off of ADT. Even though it gets you to the exact same place. The man’s body and life are much better with testosterone present as long as the pC behaves.
If you have metastatic prostate cancer, your goal is to keep testosterone low to starve the cancer from its food. My goal is to keep my testosterone low, even though it means suffering from hot flashes.
I have been trying to find out how many people are there in the same boat as me.
As long as testosterone remains at castrate level, there is no point to continue ADT. In my case, testosterone remained at castrate level for six months during the current break. At nine month point it is 72.
It is likely that I would restart ADT when testosterone is over 100 and PSA maintains its current rate of increase. The break doesn't give me relief from hot flashes, but it saves medicare some money.
You have metastatic prostate cancer, and are taking "holidays" to save the government some expense? Noble, though that would not be my concern in this situation.
If you recognize T will never again be your friend, there is a simple surgery that can permanently remove the twin sources of it. I, and others here I've talked to, are very pleased with the outcome of that procedure. The expense is reasonable, and depending on how it's done doesn't cost much more than a single dose of one of the anti-androgens now being used.
I am on estrogen skin patches to feel my best, and I absolutely do. Nearly three years later, my PSA is still undetectable.