Federal (USA) disability retirement -... - Advanced Prostate...

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Federal (USA) disability retirement - need advice

Chugach profile image
24 Replies

Hey guys I’m in year 6 now of this saga and now the old age of 52! I work for the US federal government and the minimum retirement age for me is 57 with 35 years of service. I’m still working full time with a young family to support. I’d love to retire at 57 - but fear I won’t make it that long.

I am trying to understand how to navigate federal disability retirement to determine if I would qualify. I love my job - but I don’t want to just work until I die. From what I’ve read I need to be failing at my performance, which is certainly not the case - I work hard and do good work. I’ve been kinda in remission, but the dragon is stirring again and PSA on a slow bit increasing track again

Any of you fellas fellow US federal bureaucrats who navigated federal retirement disability?

I’d appreciate any advice

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24 Replies

I'm a retired Federal employee. I'm also a veterans service officer if your a veteran. I'm guessing your under the Fers. Here are two links that explain the process for disability retirement.



Best of luck to you.

Chugach profile image
Chugach in reply to

Did you do disability retirement before your minimum retirement age? I have read the info on opm, it says I have to be failing at my performance

mrscruffy profile image

I am on SSDI and retired at 56. As far as SSDI goes needed an attorney. As luck would have it, disability and retirement are about 3k more than my yearly wage

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to mrscruffy

Your SSDI understood. The retirement you speak of. Is that social security or a company retirement ? Thanks.

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Retired 3 years early for full retirement. Ex public school teacher/administrator

Chugach profile image
Chugach in reply to mrscruffy

We’re you a federal employee and why did you need an attorney?

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply to Chugach

Public school teacher/administrator. SSDI tends to deny most everything, or as I say "wasn't dead enough yet" Attorney specializing in SSDI filed my appeal and it was granted after first administrative hearing. It was granted retroactive to day I filed

Kaliber profile image

I’m retired OPM from the V.A. Medical System … retired early thru the early out - reduction in government action from president Clinton. As a supervisory biomedical engineer, I saw my share of attempted medical disability retirements.

In my era of 32 years .. even if you were in a accident in a wheelchair , permanent body brace, lost your hands or similar …getting a disability retirement was nearly impossible. Literally 100% of all applications were turned down … up through the third try. I never personally had a successful one in my perview but in the couple successful cases I knew of in other parts, a disability lawyer was always involved. Even with a lawyer, it took a couple / several years to make it work. The government always fights it, offers you other jobs you can do with your disability etc. and has many dodges etc.


Chugach profile image
Chugach in reply to Kaliber

I could do early retirement as I have 30 years years- but the monthly benefit and more importantly the survivor benefit is a mere pittance compared to if I can survive 5 years and retire at my minimum retirement age of 57. I still have teenagers in the house with college in their future I might be able to make it work on disability but not early retirement.

I appreciate your insight Kaliber. It is what I expected. It’s made more complicated from a hard work ethic.

I guess my only permanent disability, with complete ‘failure to perform adequately’ and beyond any remediation are ‘man parts’ - don’t suspect that would count.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Chugach

You are right about the money thing for sure. For most people getting an early out from the government, their wallet will be a home for moths. Even if you go full term, at least in my pre frs era, federal retirement “ take home “ was never much of an income. There was a time when you could get SS and OPM retirement but that changed and no SS for csrs retiree’s now. I got caught in that weird Regan era retirement income loop thingy and I ended up paying a $400 a month OPM deduction to receive the legally mandated $250 a month SS minimum benefit. Of course , decades later, I’ve worked my way past all that … but it was surprising at first.

Frankly I just want to contribute something uplifting and cheery for you there …. You’re so young , working …a family …. Now aPCa … it’s brain numbing to hear this situation. Makes my head spins looking for my famous “ work-a-rounds “ …. Your circumstance is rough . It just doesn’t seem fair or right.

You probably shouldn’t look to the government for much relief and support, not in your limited cancer timeframe … some are lucky and get a “ little “ … some get “ some “ after a protracted, sickening, fight. Others ( most ? ) get little to near nothing after a long bureaucratic filled fight.

Get that disability lawyer right away and hit them full force, head on, …. Push for faster , medically mandated, results. They are slow as molasses intentionally … warm ‘em up …make them move buddy. Go over to personnel, or HR I think it’s called these days ….. Go over and have them explain your potential benefits in super fine detail …including retirement medical coverage costs ( OPM insurance is a universe better than medicare ) during retirement, other deductions ( I pay $400 a month in one deduction alone , a kind of penalty for a $250 mandatory benefit I cannot refuse to take. I can refuse it, but I still have to pay for it anyway ). … tax’s etc. …this so you will have down to earth realistic expectations. I’ve never met anyone that ever said “ I started getting my OPM check today and I’m smiling at such a large comfortable benefit. “ …. Every single person and I know dozens including myself…. are always surprised and disappointed when they see the deposit amount hit their account. My first one, I thought mine was some partial benefit, or over payment refund. It was my every month payment yayahahahaya yayahahahaya

Good luck for you and the family brother … keep everyone in the loop as your story progresses. This’ll be wholly invaluable knowledge for those that might come along after you plus you can commiserate with your like minded brothers and sisters here .

Big hug out to you and the family big guy …. I’m thinking positive vibes out your way ….. keep us posted if you feel like it.


Cooolone profile image

What is your health status? As far as SSDI, there are qualifying conditions which are considered to be a disability. But of course the question could always be proposed as to HOW your health condition prevents you from working or being gainfully employed, productive...

The larger question is whether or not you have the education or experience that may allow you to be able to switch to another type of productivity or job ... This usually is relevant depending upon age. Usually if you're over 50, this becomes less possible, but it's not unusual for them to ask or make assumptions that you can even sit at a desk and answer phone calls... Nuts right? Remember, this system was established to cover physical injury outside the workplace that prevented a person from working. Take it from there... We are different of course in that respect.

I'm not familiar with the Federal Employee benefit structure. The above is just SSDI. In that regard, their own rules has a list of "qualified conditions" under section titled Disability Evaluation under Social Security, section 13, subsection 13.24 specifically Prostate Cancer... Which addresses those individuals who may not be able to work due to a condition outside of the physical disabling criteria...

Disability Evaluation Under Social Security

13.00 Cancer - Adult


13.24 Prostate gland- carcinoma.

A. Progressive or recurrent (not including biochemical recurrence) despite initial hormonal intervention. (See 13.00K8.)


B. With visceral metastases (metastases to internal organs).


C. Small-cell (oat cell) carcinoma.

So, if you're metastatic, or recurrent... You technically qualify!!!

I was told I didn't need an attorney, but I hired one anyway. Federal law limits their compensation on a SSDI case to 10% or $6000 maximum which comes from any back pay or settlement. If you don't win your certification, they don't get paid. But usually, you'll need some condition that will keep you out of work for 6 months in order to substantiate the claim or application. Is kind of difficult to be working and then say you cannot? But Chemo and other therapies would keep you from work, etc, so again, not sure of your particular situation. I don't think you actually need that in a stageIV scenario, but again, I'm not an attorney.

It's a minefield, but what's at risk by filing? You're denied? Oh ok, then let the attorney earn their keep and appeal. Sometimes this happens and like any good Insurance, they'll deny in a large number of cases. Deny, deny, deny... Persistence wins though! And the attorney doesn't get paid if you don't, so is a good incentive, lol. Usually, if they take the case, they feel you'll qualify because they don't want to waste their time.

And yes, I was totally prepared to explain your very thoughts to a judge if need be... What is the expectation of my employer, and Gov't, that I work until a doctor tells me get my affairs in order? No, that's NOT ok. Average life expectancy is what? Minus the average age of retirement? But take the year even a typical man can qualify minus life expectancy and then you have an answer as to how long you should have to enjoy (life)... But then factor your actual age and the average life expectancy of a patient with your staging. Lol... This is all the crazy stuff rattling around in my brain! In truth, we all just don't know the real answers to those questions as everyone is different!

For SSDI, if you apply and quality they will award you your SS as if you retired at the age of retirement even though you're younger. So you would get SSDI as of you were 67, but now. Unfortunately, they don't award you years not worked in regard to $. Your particular award or SS amount is factored by looking at 35 years of income. So the more years you worked, or the more $ made, increases the monthly amount you might receive.

I suggest you go online and create an account on SS as it will tell you exactly what you qualify for in regard to your employment history and earnings. Their are maximums and it all depends too if you're married and have kids, etc. But it will show your work and income history and what payments might be made on your behalf should you decide to file, included my what your SSDI payment would be.

If you're awarded SSDI, the max they will retroactively apply the award is 12 months and you should lose 5 for a waiting period, etc. It's complicated, but if you're out of work already and filing you'll get payment for time already served!

You don't need an attorney, but I suggest using one of you can find one, especially through recommendation that is well regarded. It easier to fire and forget, let them handle it. They can gather all the information needed, etc. They will contact your customer oncology team, interestingly, this is only to certify your condition, not evaluate your ability to work gainfully. But a letter of prognosis, from your doctor, can help if needed.

Ok, so... I'm only sharing all this because I just went through it all. Recently approved and certified as disabled by the SS administration. And it is a part of the process for me retiring from my Industry as well. I'm sure, something similar must apply to your federal employment, no? Once SSDI is certified, who's to say otherwise?

Is all interesting for sure.

Best Regards and Good Luck!

Chugach profile image
Chugach in reply to Cooolone

Thank you for taking the time to respond with that level of detail

SteveTheJ profile image

I can't give you retirement advice but I can tell you, don't assume anything and don't give up! If your scans are OK and you're physically and mentally able to work, continue to do so.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

Plenty of us are here with you. Don't throw in the towel and give up on the forum. I know you haven't said you will but a couple of the replies here almost make me want to so just saying hang in there. The majority of us here have some compassion and understanding. Try to ignore if you can the guys that I guess have forgotten that we are staring death in the face and worse yet cant see the desperateness in those like you so young (52) with kids trying to be pragmatic.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS


CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber


j-o-h-n profile image

You're not going to retire at 57 cause you'll be working your ass off until you're 65. Then you'll retire and have another 20 years living at home and driving your wife mad... I'm never wrong except when I married my first wife....UGH

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 03/04/2022 6:29 PM EST

mike__c profile image

That's not relevant to the convo and your opinion is from a super narrow perspective. Quit it.

in reply to mike__c

You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. It's near impossible to be fired from a fed government job. If you have any doubts on that, you can't be helped.

As for this topic, I have plenty experience with SSDI, wife diagnose at 32 with tongue cancer. 30 days after giving birth to our first child. Nov 2002 she endured 14 hours of surgery flowed by 31 sessions of radiation to her neck and tongue 40 days after surgery.

For 2 years she was on fentynal patches with oxycodone for breakout pain. Believe when I tell you that 90% of what is complained about on this site is nothing to what my wife endured. Not even in the same ball park. After 18 months on LTD she went out on SSDI ...not even a peep from the SSDI case workers. Every six months letters from SS office telling me they paid too much followed by letters saying they paid too little. So I know a little of SSDI and what it involves to get approved.

What my wife endured and still endures from her cancer experience is why I never complained a peep during my RP, IMRT and 2+ years of ADT. I know first hand what debilitating effects cancer can have and navigating the SSDI approval process.

That's my opinion...what's your?

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to

wife diagnose at 32 with tongue cancer. 30 days after giving birth to our first child. Nov 2002 she endured 14 hours of surgery flowed by 31 sessions of radiation to her neck and tongue 40 days after surgery.

For 2 years she was on fentanyl patches with oxycodone for breakout pain. Believe when I tell you that 90% of what is complained about on this site is nothing to what my wife endured. Not even in the same ball park.

You have some deep resentment, emotional scars.

What my wife endured and still endures from her cancer experience is why I never complained a peep during my RP, IMRT and 2+ years of ADT.

You became a martyr.

I'm sorry to see your life issues affected you so deeply. And I wouldn't want anyone to go thru what you and your wife went thru.

Unfortunately it blinded you to the poster who with his very uncertain future and at the young age of 52 with children at home was looking for opinions on how to deal with the security of his family.

Although he found he has a genetic marker and got Keytruda tx and is doing well he is in a scary place as original dx included a neuroendocrine component.

How about you? Do you still feel like you are staring death in the face?

Obviously the poster feels he is.

Chugach profile image
Chugach in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Thanks for having my back brother!

in reply to CAMPSOUPS

We are all staring death in the face unless you have some plan for not dying.Are you a psychologist now? Reaching into the inner depths of my thoughts.

Let me give you an answer..I'm not a martyr and the deep resentment diagnosis..wow..if you only knew how wacked that comment is. Stick to whatever you did as a career...psychology isn't a second career for you.

In the end my original comment was a joke. Unfortunately I didn't appreciate that all federal employees are hard workers. Now that I've been corrected, I'll feel great on April 15th.

citizensdisability.com/....I used...won first court appearance

Chugach profile image
Chugach in reply to barnaclequill1234

thanks for the tip - I’ll check them out

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