Hello to fellow Vets , Anyone here use only V.A. only for all their Stage 4 cancer treatment ? VA gave me the Pylarify tracer which revealed 1 lymph Node in the Pelvic area . I then decided to return to my primary SBRT treatment of 6 yrs ago to Illinois cyberknife for the SBRT , an just completed that. I was referred then to U. of C for a MO visit , Dr. Szmulewitz,who ordered Zytiga which I sent that script to VA , and still waiting for delivery. I was going to use U of Chicago hub about 1 mile from my home compared to 50 miles to Illinois cyberknife for 25 days of IMRT . It seems the RO at U of C hub , is not too fond of accepting me as a patient for IMRT because of legal or medical reasons of having had SBRT elsewhere . So Im getting a little upset of going place to place and Im thinking about giving V.A my complete care. Im starting to realize 1 place with a complete team has its benefits . Any Vets out there have VA as the complete team ? Im in Chicago at Hines VA system and they work with Docs from Loyola University . Thanks SemperFi , John
Stage 4 , Veterans Administration - Advanced Prostate...
Stage 4 , Veterans Administration

My father had all his cancer treatments done through VA in Prescott, AZ. I was shocked at how awesome that place was when I took him for treatments. He loved their care and felt as though the people there were his family
I feel the same way.
I'm using the VA for all my treatments now. So far they have been fantastic, better than my other healthcare provider. My doctor knows more than the other 3 doctors I've seen put together IMO. My doctor called me one time when my PSA had gone up significantly, before I even had time to panic. He already had a plan to start me on Zytiga, had ordered it and set up a visit for me with the pharmacist even though my appointment was only 2 days away. When I call for my prescription, a real person answers the phone and remembers me. I'm getting excellent care there, can't say enough about how good they are.

Great to hear
You were Marine force recon?! Awesome. The unheralded and the toughest. Thank you and Semper Fi. I use VA as adjunct to private docs. Got a couple of Pylarify scans at LA VA. And established with a primary VA doc just in case of future need. But generally they move too slowly for my aggressive approach.
Hey Mateo , not force Recon , but 3rd Recon Battalion , USMC , 1970 . Just a Grunt . I will see the Chief of Oncology at VA this Tuesday . Im thinking 1 team , I might stick with VA and roll the dice . I was in Mateo at the beach , early 1970 , beautiful . Down the beach line was Pres. Nixons , called the Nixon White House . Is that still there ?
That was San Clemente
Surfed there some back in the day. Trestles. Camp Pendleton has their own beach and surf spot. Nixon was there until he died. Did not go out. Mateo is from name of my black std poodle. His beach is at San Jose del Cabo, Baja where we spend much time. I was with artillery 68-70.
I know that in L.A., the best ROs and MOs at UCLA also work there. The care is top notch.
Quite a coincidence that I see your post at this time. I had just asked my vet friend about his knowledge of finding PCa specialist Docs at VA here...perhaps some of them also practice at the med school just a quick walk away......thus accessible for me thru med school. I was speculating that VA PCa care might be better than anywhere here, as they likely have the highest PCa caseloadof all the major hospitals here!! Friend gave me 2 names who work at both..... MO Beer and I think RO Graff.
Well, My Doc fled California so now I am on waiting lists. Meanwhile I have an annual checkup next month at the Auburn Ca. VA so I guess I'll switch over to VA care. A lot of driving but the VA pays for my gasoline. They do tend to serve an older population so PCa must be rather routine .
When I first was diagnosed with prostate cancer as well as heart disease I did not know that I had VA benefits or how it worked. Cost me a lot of money but I think I was fortunate to not use the VA and went to Dr. Myers instead. I only use the VA for standard type care, colds etc. I use community care or medicare for my oncologist. I have used three oncologists including Dr. Myers. All have followed his protocols with modifications as new treatment comes along. Think it is important to have one consistent plan of treatment. Also, my VA hospital did not have oncologists on staff.
Because I am a Vietnam Vet I have been receiving all of my healthcare from the VA in North Carolina for about 12 years, reconjj,
I am scheduled for a "PYLARIFY" PSMA PET Scan this Wednesday, because my cancer became castration resistant after only about 10 months of ADT with Firmagon, Zytiga and Prednisone.
I looks like I may be on a Xofigo protocol shortly.
Early on the VA dropped the ball by ignoring my early Prostate Cancer diagnosis in 2017 (watch and wait), until it became stage 4 with a Gleason Score of 9 and more than 5 metastases in late 2020.
Part of the reason it was ignored was because of the COVID crap that was going on; not being able to see any doctors in person, unless at the emergency room, etc.
Since the inoperable prostate cancer diagnosis was recognized, I have received excellent care.
My VA Medical Oncologist is also the president of a nationally known and respected cancer institute.
He calls me at home if he spots something on a lab test that I should be aware of, etc.
Blessings, Fellow Veteran.
Hello D , I had primary SBRT 6 yrs ago to my prostate with rising psa , at Illinois Cyberknife . PSA levels were hovering in the 1.4-1.8s for about 4 yrs . My nadir was .83 in 2018 . So this past November my URO gave me a uPSA and that came back 3.19 , ( Red Flag ) So I found out our VA had the Pylarify tracer . I went for that . I got a call 1 day later from the RO at VA and said I have Stage 4 metatastic cancer to 1 lymph node in the pelvic area . I went back to my original SBRT Doc and just completed 3 sessions of SBRT to that lymph node . VA did give me a 6 month jab of Eligard when I met with them Dec.9th . Im due for a follow up this tuesday . I met with a MO at the U of Chicago last week from a referral from Illinois cyberknife . and he scripted me Zytiga and I sent that script to VA to have filled , still waiting So Im thinking to have VA handle everything going forward . Im at Hines , VA , near Chicago . I just feel like a pin ball , go here go there , I immediately filed with VA and Im back at 100% . I had to go for a C&P a few weeks ago . Not much needed info when it says Stage 4 . So far VA has been on the ball with me . Nam, 1970- 71. USMC-0311. Good talking to you. John
So I will also need 25 sessions of IMRT to the pelvic field . Not shure yet if Im going back to Illinois Cyberknife or VA .
I am still waiting for Agent Orange Prostate Cancer Disability to go through. I started on February 27, 2021, Reconjj
Like everyone else in the government, the VA is claiming that my disability is being held up because of Covid.
I am a VET (Army) who came in after Vietnam. Have 60% disability from other things. I have heard good things about VA. Currently on Tricare but they didn’t approve Zytiga. They covered Xtandi and that’s what I am on now. Currently being treated at Georgetown/ Lombardi Cancer Center. Thanks for your service!
Here at the AVL VAMC they don't seem up-to-speed with the latest advances in PCa, although this VA has the reputation of being one of the best in the system. I've been on Eligard ADT only for 5 years for metastatic PCa, and my urologist says a MO has to be consulted for adding another AR-targeted agent, such as Abiraterone, and I think there is only 1 MO on staff. Was diagnosed initially with mets, Gleason 3+4 and 100+ PSA. I've asked about a PSMA scan but don't think Pylarify PET scans are yet available here in Western NC. Due to ADT side effects, I chose to switch to intermittent ADT and the PSA has remained low. When it gets up to 10 or 20, I ask for another Eligard injection, which has been after a year and 3 months. For all other medical issues, the VA here has been excellent though.
859 days to be exact. A couple of months ago I had the local VSO look at my claim. They can see way more than you can on the VA website. She said it was transferred to the Oakland, Ca. office for consideration..... My claim pre-dates covid, I believe. 2-1/3 years. Time marches on. 👎
To all of you who qualify for VA services..... I salute you.... When I applied for services they told me I earned too much money. My response was..... when you were drafting me you never asked how much money I had in the bank..... So I never used the VA and wrote it off as typical army grab ass.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 01/16/2022 7:11 PM EST
I thought if its service connected it makes no difference what your income is
I argued and argued but the woman doing the interview insisted that I'm too wealthy... I should have showed her my short arm and many she would have been more receptive to my pleas......My mother had an expression which is very true "TOO GOOD, NO GOOD"..
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 01/16/2022 8:10 PM EST
Here is the actual schedule, not hearsay, also, click on the different matrices:
Welcome recojj! Unfortunately ,We have many vets here . Take care!