The love of my life John died yesterday after a year and a half battle with prostate cancer at the age of 65. I just want to thank everyone in this group for all the information and also for knowing that we were not alone with this terrible disease. God bless you all.
Husband died: The love of my life John... - Advanced Prostate...
Husband died

So sorry for your loss. Keep memories laughter and happiness as precious memories and he will always be with you!
Oh no! Omg! Thank you for sharing this ? No words . 😩🙏. Stay strong sweetheart! ❤️.. He suffers no more .. Scott
Sorry for your loss. Thanks for trying a trial. Even though it didn't work for him vital info was gained that may help some of us. It takes a brave soul to participate in a trial. He was much to young, just remember the good times....
So sorry to hear that. Nothing prepares you for the shock of when it happens and the hole left in your life. Thanks for telling us.
I’m so sorry to hear of John’s passing. I’m sending you out a big warm ehug …. My most sincere condolences. ❤️❤️❤️
Rest In Peace John! God bless you and all wife’s and partners ! 🙏😩❤️
Oh that was so fast. I’m thinking of you and him and this journey you have been on together. It’s been tough. Take deep sighs . A day at a time. Feeling the loss of a warrior. Holding you in my thoughts.
I am very sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry 😔🤍
So sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family.
This is terrible, I'm so sorry. God Bless.
So sorry to hear. Please know that this group is here for you as you grieve. Feel free to reach out if it helps at all.
God bless so sorry for your loss. Please treasure your memories and look after yourself. Sending love & hugs SheilaFxxx
I am so sorry for your loss. I know you have been a blessing to him during his fight. We will pray for your family.
Rest In Peace 🙏 my condolences to the family .
So sorry 😢
It is always sad when one of our own passes.
Sincere condolences at this difficult time. So sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please take good care of your self now and through the coming weeks and months.
No words….sorry to hear of the loss of the love of your life…..hope that memories of the love and laughter console you somehow.
So, so sorry!! May God bless and uplift you in His loving arms. He must have had something more important for John to do...
Rest In Peace 🙏 my condolences to the family .
I am so sorry to hear of his passing. May God help you through this difficult time. 🙏💔
My heart truly breaks for you, all I can say is so very very sorry to hear of this sad news. God bless xx
I am really very sorry to hear this.
I looked at your posts and replies on your home page.
This all happened so fast and you never seemed to have a time of peace. Just constantly looking for the next treatment as one after another failed. I hope my wife can be as together as you seem to be.
You never had what so many of us have which is a decent amount of time during which are cancer is not notably progressing. The time where we can pretend we have years ahead of us to live. Time to live in the moment and not be on edge looking for the next treatment.
Again, my sincere condolences. I hope you can heal from the emotions and the experience you went thru. That you have loved ones near supporting you.
RIP, John.....we'll all be there soon enough. Rest up and take care of yourself Birdfeed. It will get better, given time.
Too young. I’m so very sorry. Peace be with you and yours.
My heart breaks each time I read of a passing. I am so sorry you and your husband had to go through this. Prayers for peace until you meet again
Oh my Lord. Another good man lost to this dread. So very sorry for your loss. Feel comfort that he is no longer in pain or distress. His spirit will be with you always. You will feel it often. Take comfort in that. Hang in there, best you can. Breathe deeply.
Mike & Barb
St Pete
Sincere condolences. Really sorry for your loss
I’m so so sorry!!! So heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. 65 yo is far too short a life. I pray that you can cope well and remember the love you had.
I am very sorry for your loss.
Gods speed to you and yours.🌻
I am sorry for your loss.
Very sorry for your loss <3
The death of your beloved husband John made me so sad especially because of his age and the short journey since diagnosis. Please accept my condolences and may he rest in peace 🙏.
Words are so inadequate. Sending HUGS ❤️
So very sorry for your loss. May John rest in eternal peace. Take care of yourself.
My sincerest condolences at this sad time - may John rest in peace
God bless you. I am three years in to this. Praying that I can beat it.
Far to young, thinking of you from the other side of the world
I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. I will pray for you. Surround yourself with family and friends during this difficult time. God will see you through it. He was blessed to have such a good wife during his time on earth.
I’m so very sorry for your incredible loss of John. My heart aches for you and what you’re now enduring.
I hope that you are soon able to find the same peace, solace, comfort, and extraordinary love that you so selflessly gave to John during his illness and throughout your life with him.
Please know you are in my heart and thoughts. Deepest sympathies.
With love and care, Stephanie
My deepest condolences I hope you have family around you
This site is like a good friend.
Take care🙏🏽😪
May I offer my condolences. Really sorry to hear of your loss.
Thinking of u and your family xx
Condolences. John's memory will be a blessing.
I am so sorry. Too young. Best wishes for strength and love to you.
Know that we all are standing with you during this time of grief. You did the best you could fighting this horrible disease. Thanks so much for being there for him and for us.
My deepest condolences. Treasure the memories. Look after yourself and I hope you now find some peace and happiness in your life.
I am so sorry for your loss of loved one
Sorry for your loss - time heals. We're all here for you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers headed your way.
So time peace to you....
So very sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry.
My deepest condolences to you and your family.
So sorry for your loss. God Bless!
Sorry to hear of your loss. Peace
God bless and guide the warrior 🙏🙏🙏
So very sorry. Prayers out to you and your family
So sorry for your lost. Prayers for you. John is now at peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss. John is pain free looking down upon you. God bless.
Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace
So sorry for your loss
You are not alone. You and he were never alone. Thank you for the privilege of watching with you. May your pain last only as long as you need it.
I am so sorry for your loss. Peace to you.
Terribly sorry for this tragic loss
It's always so heartbreaking to hear of a dear members passing. Thank you for letting us all know. I know this was a hard post to write. Prayers for peace and comfort for you. Take good care of yourself.
So sorry for your loss. May you reflect on all the good healthy times🙏
So sorry for your loss.
God bless you for standing by and supporting your loved one.
Praying for you. Take your time grieving, don’t let others push you stop early. You will know when it’s ok. is a wonderful program to help .
I am so sorry.
Hello Birdfeed,
I was sorry to read your post. Your post was short but so full of meaning. The first eight words of your first sentence spoke of a bond that many never find.
Be good to yourself. A loss such as your loss takes time and we never heal, never! We learn to live with the loss. Remember the good times. We sometimes have trouble remembering that the one that has moved on would want the best for us, for us to not neglect ourselves and an important part of that is grieving. Tears--oh yes tears fall. Perhaps tears are the spirit's way of washing the worst of the pain away if only ---for a bit? Those who have known this pain of separation have loved and been loved. Eventually the memory of the love you had together will help balance the pain--but both the love and the pain are with those who have had that love forever. It is unfortunately the best of the bargain in life and living.
Family, friends and clergy can be helpful but if you have a beloved pet, no one will be closer to you than the pet.
RIP John and Birdfeed I hope you can find peace.
Too young. Too soon. Too hard. A hole in the heart. Condolences blessings and healing for you now.🙏💕
Sorry to hear this. My best to you.
I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that the love you feel in your heart provides you with some comfort after this battle you fought together. God bless you and your family.
So sorry that his treatment didn’t save his life! I pray that you will find peace and comfort as you struggle with your loss and may he Rest In Peace.
Oh dear my condolences -ever so sorry for your loss please take comfort in all the years of happy memories you had with him
May he RIP
Sorry for your loss. God bless you and give peace
Very sorry, your love is evident. I wish you peace and understanding.
May he rip
Know that we are all thinking of you and sending love and peace.
I am very sorry to hear of this tragic news. My thoughts are with you and those who loved John. May the difficult time you are going through pass quickly and when you think of John, may you only be reminded of the good times you spent together.
My deepest condolences 🙏🏻
I may not have ever met you. Ut started to cry reading this my dad's in a stage 2 trial after exhausting all meds and cancer progressing . I wish I had more to offer than my virtual hugs and tears . May you heal and carry his memory for life
RIP, John. Heartfelt condolences to his survivors.
I am terribly sorry for your loss. Bless you for being such an amazing wife and caretaker.
So sorry for your loss. May John rest in peace after a hard battle and may you and your family find comfort in your happy memories with him as you struggle with the grief.
I have also found comfort in these forums and knowing we are not alone with this terrible disease. Please reach out if you need anything through these difficult times.
So sad and all too often this dreaded cancer brings sorrow to men, their love ones, and this group.My truest condolences
I am so sorry for you. No words can ease your grief. Having you by his side eased his pain. Sending prayers to you during this troubling time.
Today, I pray for you and John. So sorry for your loss.
Many here have written eloquently, Since I'm not capable of that, please accept my condolences and add their thoughts as mine.
So sorry for your loss. I hope it helps a little to tell you that I went through this almost 2 years ago. I still think about my husband a million times a day. You are probably feeling very overwhelmed right now. Accept all the help and support that you can and hang on to the memories. My thoughts are with you.
There is nothing like the loss of your spouse. May Gods peace be with you.
I have been where you are!
I am so sorry for your loss. 💔
Geez.... why is it that when one of our members pass I get sad just thinking, there goes a member who I never had a chance of meeting and getting to know. It leaves a stain in my psyche which will never disappear. I bet I would have liked him.....and maybe he would have liked me and my silly humor. Well we did have something in common, our first name.
May he live in your heart forever, and I know you are in thoughts and prayers. Who knows but one time I may meet him and talk his ear off, especially about how wonderful you were in being his wife and caretaker. May God Bless him and May God Bless you.
p.s. I remember telling you about my Mom and feeding the birds...
j-o-h-n Thursday 09/22/2021 7:14 PM DST
Thank you for sharing, we all share in your grief.
My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved John.
My heart aches for you!
God bless your husband and may he welcome him into eternal peace. You are not alone 💚
Sorry for your Loss 😔🇦🇺
Heartfelt sorrow that you both had such a short period together after the initial diagnosis. Your journey has been a particularly difficult one. New strength will come.
Dear Birdfeed,I know the pain you’re feeling because my darling husband and best friend of over 30 years died in March. He was 68. I never thought our beautiful love story would end this way. There is a gaping hole in my life now. When I read your post I just wanted to reach out. and offer any comfort I could. You are not alone. God bless.
So sorry for your loss.
I'm so very sorry, Birdfeed. Being there with him and trying beside him was the greatest gift you could give. I'm sure it feels like it wasn't enough - it always does. Be gentle with yourself and take care. Please feel free to keep coming here - there's always someone who needs kind words, advice, or a just a virtual hug. Please know there are many of us who've been through what you're feeling now. It does get better. Hang in there. I wish you peace, love and light <3 HUGS and my condolences.
In solidarity,
Sorry for the loss. My sympathies!
Sorry for your loss. Please stay strong.
So sorry for your loss.
I am so sad to hear of your dear husband’s passing. We are all together in this fight against this terrible disease. And we mourn with you. God Bless You. Sending my love.
My husband of 40 years died at age 65, also, a few months ago. Reflecting back, it was a secret trial drug he used for 2.5 years, as a guinea pig in 2015, that kept him alive.... longer. Could not get that drug again for a man, as it has only been approved for women. It was an anti cancer hormone therapy. Chemo & radiation did not work for his prostate cancer. This is so sad that this is happening way too much... the prostate cancer. I was against him smoking, and he smoked heavily & could not stop. Sincere condolences.
That is so sad that they had to stop the drug that worked for your husband. I miss my husband so much. Hopefully the will find a cure for this terrible disease. You are in my prayers.
one solution to the cure was anti cancer hormone therapy using Ibrance. There is also Zytiga and other similar. I guess it doesn't work for real advanced cases, as a certain male gene has to still exist ( and not be destroyed by cancer cells yet) ... also I believe a better diet helps & no cigarettes. I also hear that CBD helps in many forms, but conventional docs won't give pain meds to someone using unconventional drugs.
I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry. I know exactly what your going through. My husband died 10/03/2021. Just heartbroken. But he is not hurting anymore.
And may God bless you...sorry for your loss