My dad underwent a Clinical Trial Casodex about 9 years ago. Prior to commencement of the Trial he was seen by a Psychologist. There are 52 side effects of Casodex. It is banned in Australia I believe according to an oncology nurse I spoke to. Alzheimers, Anxiety depression etc. He was unsuitable for bracytherapy as he has an adominal mesh. He had injections and tablet form. He had to discontinue same. He hasn't been the same since the Casodex. Cognitively , low moods He is now 74 years.
Casodex Trial: My dad underwent a... - Advanced Prostate...
Casodex Trial

Casodex is not banned, almost all patients worldwide take it for a few weeks before the Lupron injection.
Low mood is common for cancer patients and cognitive problems can be a result of aging. Usually Casodex causes fewer side effects than Lupron.
Well it doen't suit everyone. One pill is not for everyone. Some doctors historically do not recognise the side effects could be related to the drug. Patients cannot be treated as guinea pigs. It is well researched regarding Alzheimers and to monitor for signs of same. My dad had to come off both injections and tablets. I understand that all medication have side effects but the list for Casodex is quite extensive and it is quite expensive. It kept the PSA . He became a different person. 52 side effects. Long term side effects like vision changes also. Every patient should be treated in an holistic manner.
Bicalutamide [Casodex] is an antiandrogen.
A PubMed search of <prostate casodex "Alzheimer's"> returns only one hit:
"No Relationship of Anti-Androgens to Alzheimer's Disease or Cognitive Disorder in the MedWatch Database"
"Our analysis of FDA MedWatch adverse event data reports does not support the idea that androgen deprivation therapy per se is associated with Alzheimer's disease or cognitive dysfunction. Perhaps the prostate cancer itself, or the stress it imposes on the man who has it, may be detrimental to mood and intellect, increasing susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease and cognitive disorder."
Psychologists and Psychiatrists review people prior to clinical trials before commencement of Casodex to monitor the Cognitive Impairment, Dementia it is well documented.
There are perhaps many men here that use Casodex. It is harmful to post as you have, without providing links to some of the "well-documented" research.
The only "documentation" that will interest the majority, is a PubMed link to a paper published in a scientific journal.
Here is the link to PubMed:
The paper I cited was published in 2018:
"No Relationship of Anti-Androgens to Alzheimer's Disease or Cognitive Disorder in the MedWatch Database"
... so you need to limit your search to papers published since then.
"My dad had to come off both injections and tablets." The injections were Lupron or different GnRH agonists. The Casodex/Bicalutamide tablets were added to Lupron to increase the efficacy against the cancer. You cannot tell whether the side effects are caused by the Lupron injections or the Bicalutamide. Bicalutamide is the generic version of Casodex and is not expensive.
I was on Lupron & casodex here in Australia. When the Lupron wore off after 3 months the terrible fatigue went also, but I continued the casodex thinking It was keeping the PSA down & it was, but the sleepless nights & headaches were too much.Now on different ADT drug that seems to be working.
I have virtually no side effects from Casodex - which take as a ongoing monotherapy.
I had MAJOR side effects from Lupron.
What you describe doesn't sound like a Casodex 'magnified' issue, IMO.
There are other factors you should consider to try to help him.
Wishing you well on your journey .....