I have been having frequent UTIs. I can currently get a catheter in so my urologist suggested using one twice a day. He thought my frequent UTIs might be because I never completely empty my bladder and the stagnant mess breeds infection.
So the questions are: Does this make sense? I just got a one dose antibiotic that looks pretty serious. Fosfomycin tromethamine will hopefully knock this out and then there was the suggestion of prophylactic antibiotics but I am not sure i like that idea.
Is anyone on prophylactic (i spelled it right twice!!) antibiotics together with ADT.
Since i live far from health care, i have my own urinalysis setup. I verified the current UTI but i had waited a while to test. The question is, should i just assume i have another UTI as soon as there is painful urination and get a real test ASAP? the pain is gone 4 hours after taking the Fosfomycin tromethamine so it was caused by the UTI and that antibiotic sure works.
Any ideas on pros and cons of prophylactic antibiotics?
I am working on getting on Lexapro so everything will be fine with me.
At this point I am thinking that when the "side effects" of ADT become worst it is actually that i have a UTI adding to the mess. I will try to monitor more closely.