My dad has got a UTI (e.coli) post TRUS Biopsy. Unfortunately the Urine Culture shows he is resistant to the Antibiotics he used prior and after the biopsy.
The only 4 Antibiotics he is sensitive to are all injections given via IV and he is moderately sensitive to amoxicillin/clavulanate.
He is currently taking Sulbactum + Cefoperazone injection twice a day via IV for 5 days. And post that has been asked to take amoxicillin/clavulanate thrice a day 10 days.
I'v read few posts on how Cranberry juice can be helpful, BUT a few where they've talked about how it can irritate the bladder. So not sure. (If you're suggesting Cranberry juice, please also let me know the best way to make it at home?)
Please advice on food to include / avoid during a UTI?
Do I need to be more alert or worry more about the current situation? [Sorry I am just very worried already].
All suggestions are welcome!