No, I haven't turned black. Yes, that is a joke about the picture.
Yup. PSA shot up again. It lowered down to 60 but shot up to 221.
I have been taking Xtandi. Since December.
Doc wants to take an obvious biopsy of the hip. I'm also joining the Chemo club which is good because from what I am reading maybe I had a bunch of dormant cancer cells that activated since my original PSA when first diagnosed was over 2000 so I am sure I have plenty of leftover ones that went dormant for a long while and recently decided to activate too. Not to mention he wants to double-check my testosterone output.
I'm probably getting off the Xtandi and if all I do is the Lupron shot, that would honestly be a dream since I'm handling it just fine. Taking daily pills is a royal pain in the ass.
Looks like I'm going to be getting one of these too. (see picture)
I will go down fighting and my philosophy is "It's okay to lose to cancer, but it's not okay to lose to fear," but still man, all I want is a break and some stability. Fucking hell.
Getting the shit news is never going to be easy, but it's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you get it and keep moving forward.